

I've been trying to start my own seeds lately and I germinate them just fine. But I put them just slightly below the surface and mist it with a water bottle to add a little moisture and they're not coming up. and it's been a week. Should I worry or did I do something wrong?


Well-Known Member
The seeds should germinate in 2 to 10 days so they may pop up one of this days.

Green Floyd

Active Member
I've been trying the method of putting them in some water in a cup, make sure the seeds are in the dark and check on them now and then to see if any have cracked. Take the ones that are cracked out and plant them. That way you at least know they are coming to life. I just did about 10 and about 8 came up within a day or 2. I stuck them in the direct sun that morning and I guess it was too hot because most of 'em fried. So at least I got 3 going good under cfl's. Had about 8 seeds that never cracked after about a week and a half so I just tossed 'em while writing this. I'd like to know how long is long enough in the water like that. Another way I've done it is to put the seeds in a damp paper towel on a plate in some dark place and check for sprouts.


I've been trying the method of putting them in some water in a cup, make sure the seeds are in the dark and check on them now and then to see if any have cracked. Take the ones that are cracked out and plant them. That way you at least know they are coming to life. I just did about 10 and about 8 came up within a day or 2. I stuck them in the direct sun that morning and I guess it was too hot because most of 'em fried. So at least I got 3 going good under cfl's. Had about 8 seeds that never cracked after about a week and a half so I just tossed 'em while writing this. I'd like to know how long is long enough in the water like that. Another way I've done it is to put the seeds in a damp paper towel on a plate in some dark place and check for sprouts.
Yeah that's what I do with the paper towels. That's the most effective I've seen. I've heard of people doing it in other ways. But I choose that. Yeah, the sun will burn them up. You should put them in some moist soil and set them under the sun...they'll grow towards the heat and life of the sun without burning up so young, the white part is the root system and can't be exposed to light.


Well-Known Member
I've been trying the method of putting them in some water in a cup, make sure the seeds are in the dark and check on them now and then to see if any have cracked. Take the ones that are cracked out and plant them. That way you at least know they are coming to life. I just did about 10 and about 8 came up within a day or 2. I stuck them in the direct sun that morning and I guess it was too hot because most of 'em fried. So at least I got 3 going good under cfl's. Had about 8 seeds that never cracked after about a week and a half so I just tossed 'em while writing this. I'd like to know how long is long enough in the water like that. Another way I've done it is to put the seeds in a damp paper towel on a plate in some dark place and check for sprouts.
Hi Floyd, I'm using the glass of water method now but a little bit different to you. I'm putting the seeds on the water and when they sink (it happened in 12h this time) I put them in soil, I don't wait until they crack. This way you avoid manipulating them when the root is out and therefore less chances of ruining the root and killing the plant. At the same time you check that the seeds are viable because if they sink it means they got some water inside them ;)

When they are young never put them under direct sunlight, you can put them outside but in the shadow and gradually give them more hours of sunlight a day.

Hope the next germinations go better ;)