Germ Ground


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever germinated a seed and then put the seed directly in the ground? What are the dangers if I were to do this?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Long ago, one Guy threw a handful of bag seeds in the flower beds at the local Police Department. They started growing, un-noticed until the Guy called the local newspaper to report that the Law was growing pott.... Under the right conditions, of course they will grow. Depending on the cost of the seeds. $70 to $120 for 10 seeds, No. Bag seed, hell yea!

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
I've heard of people planting their seeds in december after temps drop below freezing and they pop out of the ground in the spring at the earliest time possible and grow very strong.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Due to the crawling, biting things, I stopped carrying very young plants into the wilds until they are at least 8 to 10 inches tall. Plant a LOT, so losing a few won't hurt too much. I believe I would spread some insecticide around the perimeter, "No-LO', or DE, whatever. I like the idea of throwing out seeds in Dec, just for kicks.
A month ago, I collected seeds from a heat-stressed Female. I noticed this morning that a seed had fallen in the soil & has sprouted. The Mother is only about 2 months old. !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I put 6 older plants out there about 2 weeks ago, and I haven't noticed any bugs or damage to those plants. So I'm praying it stays that way. But I have experienced deer I think. One of the plants was dead and the cup was out of the ground. The other the same just not dead, a tlittle messed with though. Today I took two of my dogs out their(males) they did what dogs do mark their territory and maybe some of their hair rubbed off. That might keep them away for awhile.