Gen. Hydro 3 Nute solution


Well-Known Member
general hydroponics has a nute chart on there website.........I use double doses but im in soil:peace:


Active Member
In a dwc/bubbler, you need to use less than the 1-2-3 tsps. per gallon they say on the bottle or you will get serious burn and/or leaf curl, and perhaps even "taco leaf." So, go easy on it, and NEVER exceed 1000 ppms.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
In a dwc/bubbler, you need to use less than the 1-2-3 tsps. per gallon they say on the bottle or you will get serious burn and/or leaf curl, and perhaps even "taco leaf." So, go easy on it, and NEVER exceed 1000 ppms.
I know many grow that went extremely well with PPM WELL exceeding 1000ppm. It really depends on your plants. If they can drink it, feed em- if they can't then cut back. I am 25 days into Veg and I am already exceeding the recommended Nutes on the back of my General Hydroponic Micro, Gro, and Bloom. Not to say you should, just really depends on your plants. The label is a good base to follow. I also am growing Hydro in a bubbler. Check out my grow if your interested to see how General Hydroponic brand (FloraMicro, FloraGro, & FloraBloom) Nutes are doing on my plants.


Active Member
General Hydroponics recommends ppms of 800 to 1000 in the instructions that come with their aeroflo systems. Aeroponics and dwc "bubblers" are totally different than straight hydro. I have mixed GH nutes according to the directions, I think if you exceed the (strong) directions on the bottle, you'll get over 2000 ppms especially if you use any additives; this makes my meter blink on and off, things get weird...And plants suffer (usually). If you try excessively strong nutes, and rely on "cutting back" when things go wrong, then unfortunately the damage is already done. It's much better to underfertilize than to burn your plants. If your plants are healthy, and your nutes are a little weak, then the plants will just use more (the res will drop more quickly). #1 mishsap for newbies = overfertilizing.