GED test


Active Member
I think the results take 6-8 weeks. I wish I had a bud to smoke before, I'm do nervous. I guess not going to school for six years and then going back to a classroom will fuck you. It's time to leave , wish me luck.


Active Member
wish i was smart enough and dropped out of high school and just got my ged. all those years wasted of learning nothing but bullshit. the only useful class was algebra, geometry, welding and pc tech. i got good grades but put in very little effort. i enjoyed skipping school more and hanging out with friends. college was so much better besides those stupid bullshit classes you have to take which has nothing to do with your degree. needless to say though, i did get a 2 year degree and slacked the fuck off in high school and got high all day. my 2 year at college i took more serious though. but hey, high school is free, college costs money. if everyone learned how to grow pot we wouldnt even need school. i learned so much just from growing which can be used in the real world as professions. i learned how to wire any kind of outlet and monkey with the feared electrical box. run a natural gas line for my co2 gen without blowing the place up. some basic plumbing like running water hoses to my co2 generator to keep it cool. learned a bit about carpentry building up my room. had a lot of sawing, nailing, screwing, stapling, getting pissed and throwing things across the room. i even learned about genetics. like the reason a feminized seed are technically always female. males have XY females are XX. 2 females cross and its XX, there i no Y so it's forced female however with a chance of hermy. i could go on but i got garden work to do. good luck.


Active Member
Don't worry. You'll do just fine. Any bonehead can pass it. Seriously.

I hated H.S. so left when I was 17. Took the test at 18 and blew it out of the water. Enrolled in college and said, "Later bitches" and never looked back.

**** Just saw that you passed. Right on! ******