Gay Marriage ...


Well-Known Member
The problem is that gay marriage results in adoption

and then the sodomizing / abuse of the adopted children...

infantile minds cannot be parents.
What a pure load of shit !

Pedophilia & homosexuality have nothing to do with each other,just because a grown man enjoys another grown mans cock or ass does not mean he likes or wants little boys.

Using your analogy heterosexual men all want little girls,after all your analogy means pussy is pussy,right ?

I am not trying to be insulting but ive yet to see a better example of a brainwashed person on this forum.

Homosexuality is the gateway to pedophilia.

Mj is the gateway to hard drugs, sound familiar ?


Well-Known Member

somebody got owned.

well i dont think children really care if they have 2 dads or 2 moms. A stable home, nice meals, and that good ol' fashioned feeling of being loved might be more important.


Well-Known Member

sodomy results in AIDS : a destroyed immune system
marijuana results in munchies and more food taken in : a boosted immune system.

how can u suggest a similarity between sodomy and ganja,
but deny a link between childrape and sodomy?

the term 'chalk and cheese' springs to mind.

u ask about the connection between men and little girls,
either one understands about the power and purpose of sex, or one does not,
if u think the anus is a receptacle for your penis, when it clearly is not,
then u r more likley to see anything else innapropriate in the same way,

from little girls, to little boys, to animals,
after all, who cares about the power and purpose of sex?
u dont.
you're just getting your patholgical fetish satisfied at the expense
of someone elses physical and mental health,

at least you smoke ganja, so there is hope for u,
rather smoke a ton of weed a day and think about the purpose and power of sex,

it'll do u plenty good, chief

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Do you just string words together because you think they sound good? WHERE IS THE PROOF TO BACK UP ANY OF THESE STATEMENTS?Nicklas Johnson · - This Just In: The Catholic Church Is Evil T&A: Gays, pedophiles, Catholics There's No Such Thing as a Gay Pedophile Blaming gays for sex abuse by priests. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine just say things like this because you are a homophobe. Is Homophobia Associated with Homosexual Arousal?

sodomy results in AIDS : a destroyed immune system
marijuana results in munchies and more food taken in : a boosted immune system.

how can u suggest a similarity between sodomy and ganja,
but deny a link between childrape and sodomy?

the term 'chalk and cheese' springs to mind.

u ask about the connection between men and little girls,
either one understands about the power and purpose of sex, or one does not,
if u think the anus is a receptacle for your penis, when it clearly is not,
then u r more likley to see anything else innapropriate in the same way,

from little girls, to little boys, to animals,
after all, who cares about the power and purpose of sex?
u dont.
you're just getting your patholgical fetish satisfied at the expense
of someone elses physical and mental health,

at least you smoke ganja, so there is hope for u,
rather smoke a ton of weed a day and think about the purpose and power of sex,

it'll do u plenty good, chief


Well-Known Member
Homophobes unfurl their colors pretty early in any engagement. I laugh at them, especially when they are self-labeled progressives.


Well-Known Member
I have lived in South Africa some 4 decades now.
I have watched sodomites kill each other en masse.
I was asked to study homosexuality by a Philosophy prof
as part of my ethics hons degree.
And then again as part of my Psych hons degree, concerning AIDS.

Have you actually ever even met a single person with AIDS?

I have lived amongst these fools. The denial is sad.

I am not a homophobe as i enjoy the company of men,
and have played sport most of my life. Men are more rational than women,
mostly, but not always. I'd prefer it if this were not true, but that is my experience.

Its heterophobes that have issues. People that cannot engage with
the opposite gender. Female homosexuality is a mostly harmless phobia,
male homosexuality just causes AIDS.

Male homosexuals are far more likely to have AIDS, that is common knowledge,
and my own observation agrees with that.


Male homosexuals die 30 years younger than the average. the stats are everywhere if you care to look. But u have to see beyond the sodomite propoganda.

Why is AIDS the most dangerous STD the only STD that is NOT medically notifiable?

This is called denial.

No it does not make me tired to try and teach people the right way to live. If I gave up, then I would begin to feel tired.

Sodomy has been known as an affliction since forever.
No culture that has lasted more than a single generation says otherwise.

Get help. Save yourself. The future needs you.


Well-Known Member
i dunno, i dont think all people who are opposed to homosexuality are homo-phobes. I personally dont think its right, but i never push my beleifs on anybody and dont have less respect for my freinds who swing that way.

I wish this thread would just die:-|


Well-Known Member
Not only do I know someone with AIDS, they're STRAIGHT, as was their MOTHER from whom they contracted the disease.

... You know what, I'm ignoring you from now on. You're obviously opposed to reason, and I don't have time for people like that.

I'm not saying you're being unreasonable because of your beliefs. That's fine, homos are going to hell. Whatev. You are opposed to reason because you cannot back up your claims with anything other than dribble and preaching. Dribble + Preaching - Fact + Misconceptions + A Giant Turd = you, my friend.

I have lived in South Africa some 4 decades now.
I have watched sodomites kill each other en masse.
I was asked to study homosexuality by a Philosophy prof
as part of my ethics hons degree.
And then again as part of my Psych hons degree, concerning AIDS.

Have you actually ever even met a single person with AIDS?

I have lived amongst these fools. The denial is sad.

I am not a homophobe as i enjoy the company of men,
and have played sport most of my life. Men are more rational than women,
mostly, but not always. I'd prefer it if this were not true, but that is my experience.

Its heterophobes that have issues. People that cannot engage with
the opposite gender. Female homosexuality is a mostly harmless phobia,
male homosexuality just causes AIDS.

Male homosexuals are far more likely to have AIDS, that is common knowledge,
and my own observation agrees with that.


Male homosexuals die 30 years younger than the average. the stats are everywhere if you care to look. But u have to see beyond the sodomite propoganda.

Why is AIDS the most dangerous STD the only STD that is NOT medically notifiable?

This is called denial.

No it does not make me tired to try and teach people the right way to live. If I gave up, then I would begin to feel tired.

Sodomy has been known as an affliction since forever.
No culture that has lasted more than a single generation says otherwise.

Get help. Save yourself. The future needs you.


Well-Known Member
i dunno, i dont think all people who are opposed to homosexuality are homo-phobes. I personally dont think its right, but i never push my beleifs on anybody and dont have less respect for my freinds who swing that way.

I wish this thread would just die:-|
I think I'm gonna petition fdd to close it off. ... If only I knew how to do that ...

This turned into a nightmare. I thought people could keep cool enough heads to realize that this wasn't about personal beliefs but the MORALITY OF THE GOVERNMENT HAVING THAT KIND OF CONTROL OVER ITS CITIZENS. If you said they should, cite your reasons. Talking isn't a bad thing, it's a good thing. However, it can be a dangerous thing ...

All I did was flare tempers and cause fights. I'm sorry for bringing it up. I'll shut up and go away.


Well-Known Member

sodomy results in AIDS : a destroyed immune system Many things result in aids, sodomy, vaginal sex, IV drug use, in both heterosexual and homosexual people
marijuana results in munchies and more food taken in : a boosted immune system.

how can u suggest a similarity between sodomy and ganja,
but deny a link between childrape and sodomy?
Lets get something clear dumbass, sodomy does not equal homosexuality, Ive fucked a girl in the ass and I am not a child rapist or hmosexual. You are equatating homosexaulity with sodomy and sodomy with pedophila, that is completely utterly ridiculous.
the term 'chalk and cheese' springs to mind.

u ask about the connection between men and little girls,
either one understands about the power and purpose of sex, or one does not,
if u think the anus is a receptacle for your penis, when it clearly is not,
then u r more likley to see anything else innapropriate in the same way,

from little girls, to little boys, to animals, Once again, Ive boned a chick in the butt, but that doesnt mean I like little boys or animals...jees you seriously are one demented fuck to make that leap.
after all, who cares about the power and purpose of sex?
u dont. You dont have to have sex with a purpose, are you telling me every time you have sex it in the attempt to concieve...
you're just getting your patholgical fetish satisfied at the expense
of someone elses physical and mental health, By being a child rapist yes, a homosexual no, keep in mind these are completely different things, I know thats hard for your little brain to concieve

at least you smoke ganja, so there is hope for u,
rather smoke a ton of weed a day and think about the purpose and power of sex,

it'll do u plenty good, chief

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
This entire post explains soooooo much.And uh...what about the soldiers over there, raping and killing women and children without discrimination...the whole "homosexual women are harmless" thing is a complete throwback to another era...women in Africa have no value....basically what you're saying is if it doesnt have a penis, it is sexism on top of homophobia.Listen...your country has a hell of a lot more to worry about than gay marriage.In America. You need to maybe...I dunno...protect your women and children from rapists and stupid superstitions that call for the maiming of their genitalia so they can be a customized cunt for some misogynistic pig. Frankly....I think the gals are probably grateful for the break...they probably wish most of those soldiers were gay.AND...homophobia is defined as the fear or aversion to homosexuals...not men in here's the link to that.Homophobia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia And before ya start telling folks "the right way to live" maybe you should work on some of that at home in your own country...starting with the treatment of your women....then, when you get that all fixed, you can come talk to us about gay marriage.
I have lived in South Africa some 4 decades now.
I have watched sodomites kill each other en masse.
I was asked to study homosexuality by a Philosophy prof
as part of my ethics hons degree.
And then again as part of my Psych hons degree, concerning AIDS.

Have you actually ever even met a single person with AIDS?

I have lived amongst these fools. The denial is sad.

I am not a homophobe as i enjoy the company of men,
and have played sport most of my life. Men are more rational than women,
mostly, but not always. I'd prefer it if this were not true, but that is my experience.

Its heterophobes that have issues. People that cannot engage with
the opposite gender. Female homosexuality is a mostly harmless phobia,
male homosexuality just causes AIDS.

Male homosexuals are far more likely to have AIDS, that is common knowledge,
and my own observation agrees with that.


Male homosexuals die 30 years younger than the average. the stats are everywhere if you care to look. But u have to see beyond the sodomite propoganda.

Why is AIDS the most dangerous STD the only STD that is NOT medically notifiable?

This is called denial.

No it does not make me tired to try and teach people the right way to live. If I gave up, then I would begin to feel tired.

Sodomy has been known as an affliction since forever.
No culture that has lasted more than a single generation says otherwise.

Get help. Save yourself. The future needs you.


Well-Known Member
I have lived in South Africa some 4 decades now.
I have watched sodomites kill each other en masse. who are the sodomites, and how do you know they are sodomites? How do they kill each other? What does this have to do with homosexuality?
I was asked to study homosexuality by a Philosophy prof
as part of my ethics hons degree.
And then again as part of my Psych hons degree, concerning AIDS.

Have you actually ever even met a single person with AIDS?

I have lived amongst these fools. The denial is sad.

I am not a homophobe as i enjoy the company of men,
and have played sport most of my life. Men are more rational than women,
mostly, but not always. I'd prefer it if this were not true, but that is my experience. Homophobes are scared of homos, not are clearly, clearly a are the very epitome of a homophobe.

Its heterophobes that have issues. People that cannot engage with
the opposite gender. Female homosexuality is a mostly harmless phobia,
male homosexuality just causes AIDS.
You are an idiot, plain and have no idea what the fuck you are talking are the most ignorant piece of shit I have encountered on this forum.
Male homosexuals are far more likely to have AIDS, that is common knowledge,
and my own observation agrees with that.

yeah and 6 x 5 = railroad, fuckin idiot
Male homosexuals die 30 years younger than the average. the stats are everywhere if you care to look. But u have to see beyond the sodomite propoganda. Do you have any evidence to back this up, I doubt it.

Why is AIDS the most dangerous STD the only STD that is NOT medically notifiable? Same reason the sky is blue.

This is called denial. What planet are you on?

No it does not make me tired to try and teach people the right way to live. If I gave up, then I would begin to feel tired. Oh I see you know the right way to live, and how exactly do you know this, how have you become so enlightened...youre a fuckin douchebag, I bet youre a closet homosexual and everyone that comes into contact with you thinks you are a fuckin nut or a serial killer, there is no way you are married...youre wife would have to be one sick fuck too.

Sodomy has been known as an affliction since forever.
No culture that has lasted more than a single generation says otherwise.
Get help. Save yourself. The future needs you.


Well-Known Member
as one of my friends says 'it was adam and eve, not adam and steve'

i disagree with that statement, still makes me laugh though.

fuck it.

if you like cock you like cock.

if you like pussy, you like pussy.

if you like both, you're greedy.


Well-Known Member

sodomy results in AIDS : a destroyed immune system
marijuana results in munchies and more food taken in : a boosted immune system.

how can u suggest a similarity between sodomy and ganja,
but deny a link between childrape and sodomy?

the term 'chalk and cheese' springs to mind.

u ask about the connection between men and little girls,
either one understands about the power and purpose of sex, or one does not,
if u think the anus is a receptacle for your penis, when it clearly is not,
then u r more likley to see anything else innapropriate in the same way,

Wow dude,your all over the place with this nonsense,something somewhere has fucked your head up bad.

Who gives a rats ass weather people are homo or bisexual or not & why do you care so much,99% of the crap your spewing is pure conjecture & religious propaganda,nothing more.You havent a clue about child molesters & pedophilia,other than what you've been taught,wtf is your hang up on sodomy anyways ?

Im starting to seriously suspect that your a closet sausage hog,the kinda guy who beats down homosexuals because he cant admit he wants nothing more than to be a "BOTTOM" for a big strong hairy man to use at his whim.

The shit your spewing & the fever in which you spew it fits the profile of a supposed straight man who lashes out at openly gay people to supress his own homosexual desires to a tee.