Ganja Dwarf deficiency problems?


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody! This is my first post, as its my first decent grow. Coming on day 55 from germ and my plants are a bit over a foot tall but showing major deficiency signs. Older leaves are yellowing and dying off at an intense rate and the tips of all the leaves are turning brown. As their in flower im really worried about this affecting yield. At first i thought it was a magnesium deficiency but i treated with epsom salts to no avail. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

oh yeah, and i have 2 plants under two 2700k 23 watt cfls and two 6500k 26 watt cfls and an 18 watt led panel for kicks. the ventilations fine



Well-Known Member
Not unusual for fan leaves to get used up in flowering. Next time think about putting them in a larger pot a couple weeks before you flower or start adding nutes going into flower. I would go ahead and give them some food for this grow if you have some.


Well-Known Member
Thank you! Should i worry about the brown upturned tips or ignore them and just feed nutes? Not worried about the container size so much. Its a small grow space and they're the strain ganja dwarf. Probably wont grow more than another few inches. Id heard a lot about the strain not autoflowering but mine seem to be going along fine.


Well-Known Member
just because the strain is dwarf doesnt mean the roots are dwarf as well, im sure when you goto harvest that pot will be 90% root mass and 10% dirt. The pot doesnt have to be a lot bigger just a size or two up


Well-Known Member
Ive heard repotting autoflowers, especially during flower, can do a lot more harm than good. Im doing a pc grow so im limited to 8"x16"x24.5" I dont have much room for the containers, though admittedly could do better next time. Im not doing this by choice, if i could get a larger set up i would. Im just going for an ounce or two off two plants.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Ill keep that in mind

As of late the smells beginning to become an issue. Does anyone know how i might put a filter on pc fans without ruining my ventilation?


Well-Known Member
Thank you! What would be the simplest solution for a nitrogen deficiency?

Ill look up ona gel.

Apical Bud

Well-Known Member
It's a nitrogen issue, but is it because the soil lacks nitrogen per weight of soil, or because there isn't enough soil? You could seriously just cut an extra big hole on the bottom of your pot, then put that pot on top of another pot of soil. Just water the bottom pot more than the top one and the roots will spread to the moisture. If you have some kelp based fert you could fill a large bowl with 2 inches of the kelp solution and set the pot in that bowl for a minute, and then put it on the other pot.
I've done it but I did have to make sure I didn't knock the thing over lol. Adding more soil will mean you won't have to give this girl TLC the rest of her life.


Well-Known Member
how much space do you actually have, measurements would help us a lot to figure out what you can do


Well-Known Member
no kindding on it being tight. ummmm..... the only thing i could think of to give you some more space would be remove most of the top of the pc box leaving just the external frame and fashion on a cardboard box on top like your storing the box there. depending on how much space above the pc box you have would be your potential for height


Well-Known Member
Would kinda kill the stealth aspect. Might do it if i could figure out how to get the top off of there but it doesn't look simple and id have to tear off the mylar. Kinda be a pain in the ass to fix if it didn't go well.