Game of thrones


Well-Known Member
lol that chinaman was funny...wu i think his name was...fed all the dead bodies to his pigs in chinatown


Well-Known Member
Next weeks episode looks fucking crazy


Well-Known Member
I hate it when it does shit like that.....I just started DVRing everything and watching it later.You can usually get one for free but it's worth the money.
im mad as shit it still aint up lol yeah i know they gave me free hd instead i think they want like 5 more a month for the dvr im bout to order that shit


Well-Known Member
dvr is a must man...i am rarely home and when i get a chance to get baked and watch commercial free hand picked shows over a week or 2 .... this show is getting interesting ...that king joffrey is a real piece of shit.


Well-Known Member
This episode was fucking crazy....definitely the best one yet.Stannis is a fucking beast,he was just charging in like it was nothing,I thought he was gonna win for a minute.
I cant fucking stand that little piece of shit Joffery and can't believe he's still alive,I just wanna smack the shit out of him every time I see him.
Seeing the hound bitch up like that was really surprising,he was fucking people up until he seen that flaming guy charging at him lol.
And tyrions right hand man is starting to be one of my favorite characters


Well-Known Member
that wild fire shit was crazy i thought it was a rap for stannis the dog bitched up said fuck u to the king and keep it moving lol and tyrion better not be dead he and his right hand are the best characters

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member
Started watching game of thrones a week ago and now I just finished the second season, Shits getting good can't wait to see What happens to Jon with the wildlings.
Bout sums up my last week[video=youtube;rapo0h-RDnk][/video]