G13 Pineapple express YIELDS


Well-Known Member
and 5.5 ounces from a seed put in 12/12 right away in a 1 gallon pot is kind of LOL. i mean, look at this:

unless each of these nugs weighs a half ounce dry, that is NOT 5.5 ounces.

i submit that those dried out not just a "bit more" as claimed, but rather a lot more.

can anyone else here tell a similar tale of 5.5 ounces out of a 1 gallon container, or is this guy the best grower to ever roam these parts?
looks more like 31.6 grams than 316 grams looks to me dude don't now how to read a scale it says 31'6 which seems to me it should be 31.6 those nugs would need to be as dense as iron to wheigh 316 grams. lol


Well-Known Member

the heaviest nug there is 10g the lightest is 6
seems to be about a 1/5th of what was in the bowl originally.. don't know what is so difficult for people to comprehend.. nugs are/were dense as hell.


people seem to have this holier than fucken thou attitude that if they have not been able to accomplish something it must be impossible and the person must be a liar.. so politely go fuck yourself ;)

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
I just ran out 4 G-13 Pineapple Express Auto's. My first time growing Autos. and it was a fun experiment.

After seeing how nice these turned out, I am very curious to try the non Auto version.

I had 4 different Phenos, and one was just awesome, very Kushy and fuel smelling.

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
My Pineapple Express was freebie from the Attitude, so I wasn't expecting much.
I was wrong though, as it did very well for me.
I don't own a scale, since I only grow for myself, but she yielded nicely.
Here's a pic of her a couple of weeks before harvest, to give you an idea.


Well-Known Member
didn't tare the plastic bowl.
its 316g including the bowl which is 155g
316g - 155g = 161g

both of you seem rather quiet now.. nothing to say.. lol

I know it's a shit picture.. and it doesn't look like much.. but like said before, I have no reason to lie.
scale is a kitchen scale only accurate to the g, but it seems to work fine when baking cakes..

also those two plants were both under a 400w so were effectively getting 200w each.. which means still fell short of the 1gpw
don't see what is so unbelievable..

looks more like 31.6 grams than 316 grams looks to me dude don't now how to read a scale it says 31'6 which seems to me it should be 31.6 those nugs would need to be as dense as iron to wheigh 316 grams. lol


Well-Known Member
Actually, I got a great deal. I paid $4.50 each for 11 2-gallon pots. They're reusable and look to be very sturdy. I expect that I will get my $50 worth, lol.


Well-Known Member
Think you guys I'm the states get ripped on the airports. Probably shipping costs etc.

Think paid about £1.5 for those.. and they have lasted nearly 2 years and they are still Iin perfect condition.

And the results.. well as you can see people call you a liar saying that you can't yield as much as you do in them.

over 6k posts and doesn't know what 12/12 is...

This folks is whats WRONG with this community!

Lol airpots cost about 10 bucks a piece, what a rip off!


the main cola on the left was just over 20g dried..
believe what you want don't really care..

Still have about an oz left of it.. and that picture was posted in april..

Wow... were they grown at the same time? so the blueberry yielded much more..? did the blueberry's main cola natural grew that much taller than the rest of it's branches? or did u somehow made the main cola that tall?


Well-Known Member
G 13 labs PE is a good yielder... its a C99 hybrid with soem trainwreck inthere too it only takes about 8 weeks to flower and was a great yielder for me and my friends both. its a great yielder for a sativa heavy plant that floweres fast and has a high quality end product with high demand. just doesnt give me my fav high... i dont know why as its ALOT of people fav strain. i just prefer OG kush or Grape ape for the effects over the Pineapple Express. unmistakable flavor and scent too BTW.