funny story, good karma i gues?


Active Member
hey guys, just a funny thing that just happend to me. So its friday, I worked a 60 hour week (landscaper) so 60 hours of that shit will make you damn tired. I get off work, shower, call my buds and there all still working. So trying to relax, I grab a fishing pole and decide to throw the line out for a bit. I quickly roled a small joint for the way. I get down to the pond, throw my line out, and lite up the j, i take one hit and then a fish bumps my line and into the water the j goes. Im pissed, i was like wtf... I grabed the wet joint and put it into the middle of the road were the sun was hitting so hopefully it would dry it out. as im walking i see a bag in the road. im like, wtf is that. I walk over and its a bag of weed. lmao, what are the odds of that. Its a little dried out but should work just fine. lmao