fungus gnat kill them



hello fellow rollers just started using a hyper mite to control fungus gnats i will let you know if they succeed but here is some info if you like you may have to check if they are avaliable in your country. :peace:

Hypoaspis aculeifer – Predator mite​
Hypo-Mite™ is a soil-dwelling predatory mite that feeds on fungus gnats (mycetophilids, sciarid flies) and other insects, mites and nematodes in soil and growing media.​
Hypo-Mite™ is known to be useful in greenhouse vegetable and ornamental crops, including bulbs, as part of an integrated pest management programme.​
The Pest – Fungus gnats

Fungus gnats are small, dark, two-winged flies with long legs similar to mosquitoes. Adults are approximately 3 mm long and are weak, erratic fliers. They are more prevalent in greenhouses, but may also become numerous outdoors.​
The larvae of fungus gnats are white or transparent and are legless, and have a shiny black head. They are usually found just below the soil surface in association with decaying plant material, moss and algae.​
The life cycle of fungus gnats takes approximately 25 days at temperatures above 20 °C.​
Ideal conditions for fungus gnat outbreaks are high humidity, high soil or growing media organic matter, water-saturated soil or growing media, presence of moss and algae and decaying plant material.​
Fungus gnat larvae cause damage to plants by feeding on the roots. Fungus gnats can also spread plant fungal disease throughout a greenhouse on adults, and by larvae through the soil.​
Signs and symptoms of fungus gnats include:​

  • Plants lack vigour and leaves may turn yellow
  • Small brown scars are evident on roots, and root hairs are eaten off
  • With heavy larval infestations, plants can be weakened severely and die
The Solution – Hypo-Mite™

Hypo-Mite™ is a small pale brown mite with a distinct V-shaped dorsal shield. Adult mites are 0.5-1.0 mm long and are commonly found in the top few centimetres of soil or compost.​
Females lay their eggs near the soil surface, and these hatch into six-legged larvae. There are two further nymph stages and a life cycle can be completed in 10 days at 25 °C, but can vary from 7-30 days depending on temperature.​
Below 12 °C, Hypo-Mite™ becomes inactive, and development stops when temperatures fall below 8 °C. The species does not hibernate (diapause) and is able to survive for 6-8 weeks without prey by feeding on decaying organic matter.​
Hypo-Mite™ uses its saw-like mouth parts to puncture and slice prey tissue which is then sucked up leaving a shrivelled prey body. They prefer feeding on younger fungus gnat larvae, and adults can consume 1-5 prey per day. Both adult and immature Hypo-Mite™ are predatory.​
Hypo-Mite™ is also a predator of thrips pupae in the soil, however, alone they do not provide sufficient control of thrips.​
Hypo-Mite™ is not considered harmful to humans or animals, and no environmental effects are expected.​
Environmental Conditions

Hypo-Mite™ survives well in most greenhouse conditions and is not harmed by regular watering, although flooded or waterlogged areas are not tolerated. Optimum conditions for development are 20-30 °C, and soil temperatures above 30 °C are harmful.​
Hypo-Mite™ will survive in most potting mixes, rockwool and perlite.​
Release rate

Greenhouse crops: Use 1 litre per 100 square metres, or,
one litre per cubic metre growing media Outdoor crops: Use 20 litres per hectare
Repeated applications may be needed for heavy pest infestations.​

Hypo-Mite™ is supplied in a mixture of vermiculite and mould as a food source for the mites. There are 10,000 mites per litre of mixture.​
Release and Storage Instructions​
Hypo-Mite™ need the following handling and treatment:​
On arrival, release Hypo-Mite™ as soon as possible​

  • Hypo-Mite™ can be stored for a maximum of 2 days at 10-15 °C
  • Sprinkle the mixture on the soil around infested plants, or incorporate into the growing media before potting-up plants
Post release

Hypo-Mite™ may take 2-3 weeks to exert an effect on pest populations. Hypo-Mite™ can be hard to find in soil or growing media, therefore monitor pest numbers to determine the need for further releases.​
Re-application of Hypo-Mite™ is recommended to ‘hot spots’ should some pests remain.​
Before introducing Hypo-Mite™ into your crop please check residual chemical affects and ensure you know chemical compatibilities of products that may be applied.​
A list of compatible pesticides and withholding periods can be found in the publication ‘The Good Bug Book’