Fun with Hookahs


Active Member
Fun With Hookahs! 1.0 4.2012

Hookahs are are fun, social way to medicate. The whole experience is relaxing and fun: the stoking the coals, the lounging about with friends taking huge, flavorfull rips from your hose, and just generally acting like a Sultan relaxing in his harem. Unfortunately, the tobacco used to make shisha is even more toxic than that found in cigarettes, and so this precludes most medical patients from considering hookahs a viable way of medicating. Well, that's about to change, because you are about to learn how to cure weed into shisha, and how to use your hookah as a vaporizer, with no modifications needed!

1. Introduction
2. Marijuana Shisha
3. Vapor Stones and Tincture
4. Afterword

Marijuana Shisha
In typical tobacco shisha manufacture, the tobacco leaf is cured in molasses after a brief fermentation. If one were to do this with marijuana, the THC would never decarboxylate, and since weed has none of the biocides that are in tobacco, the fermentation would lead to moulding. Because of this, most stoner hookah enthusiasts just sprinkle some weed, keif, hash, etc on to tobacco shisha. Now, while marijuana is a safe and wonderful thing, there is just no excuse for tobacco, and so I've worked out a way to process to turn pot leaf, trim, and bud into shisha without fermentation. Its quite simple: Take your cured dried weed, I recommend a mix of 70% leaf to 30% trim or bud so its not too potent, chop the buds into small chunks and leave the leaf/trim whole, then place the herb in a shallow dish with 30% the weight of weed in glycerin and 10% the weight of the weed in molasses.
If you had 100g of weed (70g of leaves, 30g bud), you would add 30g glycerin and 10g molasses to your mix. To flavor, simply add 1 small bottle of LorAnn Flavor Oil (Ama has a thousand flavors) for every oz starting bud.
After you've got this mixture well saturated and mixed, throw it in a jar and leave it overnight. It will then be the perfect shisha consistency, not wet, but damp and sticky, slow and smooth burning in any hookah. Its important to water down the bud with leaves, as you add quite a lot of shisha to a hookah bowl and if that were all bud it would prove too much - hookahs are supposed to be a gently uplifting experience, you want to be able to smoke and smoke, and not have to quite after two or three bc youre already high enough. Never add water - if you want it damper, add more glycerin or more molasses if you want it sweeter. Adding water will cause the shisha to spoil and rot, but without water, this shisha lasts practically forever.

Vapor Stones and Tincture
Now, if you're a dedicated vaporizing medical user like myself, the whole concept of inhaling huge volumes of smoke is a bit of a downer. Which is why I was overjoyed to see a new addition to the market: Vapor Stones, Aroma Stones, Smokeless Shisha. These are sold frequently now in places that carry hookahs, and the concept is simple, they are bits of ceramic soaked in flavored glycerin, to be used in a Narghile bowl. A Narghile bowl has a hole in the center of the bowl on a raised platform, so you put the shisha in a little moat around the center hole/post. This lets the shisha juice stay in the bowl, instead of dripping through. Now, you can buy the Shisha Stones on the market, but they cost too much and you can easily make your own:
Either break up some fired unglazed porcelain into small chunks, or order some white aquarium gravel, or small clear glass beads/lumps. The last two are cheap and found easily online, just be sure to get clear glass or white ceramic, as any pigments may be toxic. Throw about two bowls worth of this into a pint jar. Cover with glycerin, and add a LorAnne Flavor Oil of your choice (I like to mix and match), and stir. You now have the exact same shisha stones the headshops sell for $20 (minus the artificial colours), and it shouldnt have cost you more than $5.
Now, whether you bought or made your Vapor Stones, its time to add medication. Cannabinoids dissolve really poorly in glycerin, even when heated, so to add medication to your stones I recommend that you take your ground herb, or hash, or oil (enough for two normal bowls), and place it in a jar with an equal weight of limonene, stir for about five to ten minutes (max, limonene works fast), then strain out any solids, and add this to your stones and glycerin. Stir your stones well and cap with the jar lid. They can be stored indefinitely like this.
To use, take a fork and scoop out the stones into your Narghile bowl. They should be sopping wet, but the bowl shouldnt be filled with liquid, the liquid level should be at about 1/4 the height of the bowl after it settles. Then cover the bowl with a foil or metal shield, and top with lit coals (I recommend Coco Natural). Dont inhale immediately, allow the lit coals to warm the bowl first, then start drawing slow breathes. It starts slower than with a burned bowl of shisha, but soon you'll be making clouds that are bigger than possible with a burned bowl! Whats happening is the the coals are heating the glass/ceramic pebbles in the bowl, which in turn is boiling away the glycerin tincture. You get some of the smoke from the coal, which is why I recommend an all natural coal (the propellants used in others create more soot), but this is a seriously smooth vape. Eventually the bowl will dry, if you wish to continue, spoon a couple spoons of the glycerin over the glass already in the bowl and replace the coals. When you're done, just take the pebbles, rinse them off, and throw them back in the jar with the glycerin. You can reuse these indefinitely, just add more glycerin/flavor/tincture.
This is my favorite method of vaping with a large group, and you can adjust the potency as desired, I simply like low potency shishas so I can enjoy the hookah experience for longer.

So now you know how to vape with a hookah, and how to make your average dried weed into nice sticky flavored shisha, so go ahead,, pull out that hookah in the closet, clean the tobacco resin out of the bowl, and call some friends over, its time to party like its Istanbul circa 1659!


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You may copy this work and distribute it freely (not-for-profit). You may alter it as long as I (VladTheImpaler aka JustAFigmentOfYours) am attributed as the original author, with the alterations being noted, as long as you distribute any derivatives (ad infineum) freely under this same license. Visit the link for complete rules and restrictions.

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Well-Known Member
I had a Hooka in High school. I used to have fun reaching over, and undoing the other tubes so they couldn't get a hit. Just to mess with them.


Well-Known Member
Wow thanks dude :) i had always subscribed as you said to putting a little on top of regular sisha but this is WAY better!!

Thanks BroSef!


Active Member
If you find yourself without dried pot leaf to water down your shisha with, you can substitute unglued rolling papers, damiana, raspberry leaf, or marshmallow leaf quite nicely in the above recipe for marijuana shisha.

Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
Would large grade, washed chunks of perlite work for the stones? I'm assuming a lot of RIP users have easy access to perlite...