Fun little video I made


Well-Known Member
Nice big room, gonna be fun filling it out. Plants look nice and healthy, though you'd probably be better off taking larger cuts for the cloner. That is one of the stupidest songs I've ever heard, had to mute to watch the vid. Thanks for sharing...
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Well-Known Member
I only have 2 mothers to get cuts from, I got rid of all my genetics and old mother plants, these girls are around a month old from seed and I need clones asap for my flower rooms. I dont have time to wait for bigger cuttings as they're going into RDWC & soiless and will grow fast anyway once they get going.

This is just something fun I did when I was killing a lilttle bit of time... No need to analyse my methods. Music choice obviously is for a specific type of crowd and definitely not for most. Muting works great.

Happy growing everyone !
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Well-Known Member
Why did you get rid of all of your genetics without knowing how these new phenotypes will turn out? That seems really risky, as you could end up with rooms full of crap...