Fukishima Radiation The News Keeps Getting Worse


Well-Known Member
The first 8 minute clip I posted destroys your entire argument

You're not a scientist, and I suspect you have a very basic understanding of how it works. You certainly don't understand how radiation or nuclear reactors work

"Containing radiation equivalent to 14,000 times the amount released in the atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima 68 years ago"

So, YOUR 8 minute clip is the final authority? Go troll the junior highs.


Well-Known Member
Am I? I posted links to a few things I have read, and encouraged discussion. Are you telling me that your single video is the be all end all authority on the matter?

I have not watched your video yet, as I have zero respect for anything you have to say. The floor is open to anyone else who might have something to contribute, besides here is my one video ABOSLUTELY PROVING everyone else is wrong, which is the very thing you claim to hate about others. Do you really not see your own hypocrisy?


Active Member
We have been lied to, repeatedly. The THREE reactors continue to leak hundreds of metric tons of radioactive material into the Pacific. This article says it's the leak that is cauing the cold weather and it will get worse before it gets better (really hot). The media doesn't cover it. Let's sort out the truth from the hype, shall we? What do you know?

http://news.yahoo.com/highly-radioactive-leak-japan-39-fukushima-plant-045324842--finance.html Read the comment too

Not to worry the Japs have plenty of experience handling nuclear fallout. The got the big lesson on radiation in 1945


Active Member
It's a video of a real scientist explaining why the nonsense you posted in the OP couldn't possibly be happening. You are exaggerating the event, and not just a little bit.
Funny coming from someone with a terrorist avatar. Of course if allah didn't say it then it must not be true.


Well-Known Member
It's a video of a real scientist explaining why the nonsense you posted in the OP couldn't possibly be happening. You are exaggerating the event, and not just a little bit.
Ok, I watched you "evidence" that any talk of danger is all hype. You have some guy (who did nto list his credentials) talking about some guy (who did not list his credentials) on a youtube video for "AMTV" something I have never heard of.

So, your entire argument is that Fukishima is not dangerous because someone made fun of someone's youtube video?

When you can shoot down Rueters, let me know. At some point common sense HAS TO kick in, no?

"TOKYO (Reuters) - The operator of Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant said on Thursday that 100 metric tons of highly contaminated water had leaked out of a tank, the worst incident since last August, when a series of radioactive water leaks sparked international alarm."


bud bootlegger
Ok, I watched you "evidence" that any talk of danger is all hype. You have some guy (who did nto list his credentials) talking about some guy (who did not list his credentials) on a youtube video for "AMTV" something I have never heard of.

So, your entire argument is that Fukishima is not dangerous because someone made fun of someone's youtube video?

When you can shoot down Rueters, let me know. At some point common sense HAS TO kick in, no?

"TOKYO (Reuters) - The operator of Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant said on Thursday that 100 metric tons of highly contaminated water had leaked out of a tank, the worst incident since last August, when a series of radioactive water leaks sparked international alarm."
i agree clayton, while some of what we hear might be overhyped or w/e, surely 100 metric tons of highly contaminated water can not be a good thing, and anyone who argues otherwise, well, that's on them i guess..


Well-Known Member
The fact is that there is a whole lot of very dangerous radioactive material that's not going anywhere for a very long time, and containing it is extremely dangerous, if it is even possible. Anyone who thinks they can argue that we are all safe is a fucking moron. By all accounts, the information coming from the company responsible for the mess, and its clean up, have been less than forthcoming with the bad news. They have made many mistakes, and frankly should probably let the pros in to take a look.


bud bootlegger
so are you saying there's absolutely nothing bad that can happen as a result of fukishima pada?

i'm not talking about millions of people dying, but just anything minor, lots of dead fish, etc, etc on the lower side of things..


Well-Known Member
I am not saying we are all going to die of cancer. The most at risk are the Japanese closest to the facility. The ocean will suffer near Japan. There is still great concern for the clean up and potential for further tragedy.

Go back to your masterbatory and go back to jerking off to Dora cartoons. You are the extremist.


Well-Known Member
so are you saying there's absolutely nothing bad that can happen as a result of fukishima pada?

i'm not talking about millions of people dying, but just anything minor, lots of dead fish, etc, etc on the lower side of things..
No, of course not, apparently. Padawantorapeher thinks Chernobyl was a minor problem too.


Active Member
I know we should leave the sciencing up to the scientists...



I certainly dont know what the actual numbers are, but lets say that at least half of the scientists are working for various govts. How much of the worst of the info gathered by those govts. does anyone think that those govts. will allow to be released? Just asking.

Balke Buds

Radiation leaking rampant is a problem at any level....no one can argue that.
Now whether it is responsible for weather patterns can be disputed.
At a minimum it can be logically inferred that our food and air are affected.