Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

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Well-Known Member
yea i used the 5 gal buckets for dwc before, they rock dude. plenty of water / root space in those things, and hella easier to clean out than 1 big ass tub with 6 plants or so
Yep, took me exactly one reservoir change with 3 little plants with maybe a string's worth of roots each to realize I wasn't gonna want to or even be able by myself to change that reservoir when those gals got bigger. Hell, I am an old lady!

So I switched to 5 gal DWC buckets and both the girls and I are a lot happier. I can manage a 5 gal bucket with 4 gals of water in it. I have an extra bucket to set the lid on while I work and this is SO much better!


New Member
Yep, took me exactly one reservoir change with 3 little plants with maybe a string's worth of roots each to realize I wasn't gonna want to or even be able by myself to change that reservoir when those gals got bigger. Hell, I am an old lady!

So I switched to 5 gal DWC buckets and both the girls and I are a lot happier. I can manage a 5 gal bucket with 4 gals of water in it. I have an extra bucket to set the lid on while I work and this is SO much better!
Glad they working for you pal:)


New Member
hiya guys loads of pics as usual :lol:
Gonna make a new thread for the Panama, but cant think of a title any ideas??
12TH DAY OF FLOWERING!:):mrgreen::lol::):lol::mrgreen:
Any way nothing really much too say, ppm ph ok temps etc... blah blah blah :mrgreen:
Enjoy and let me know what ya think:)



Well-Known Member
Hell yea he is lol

Shit is look awesome my man keep it up , waiting on the bud porn



Well-Known Member
hey wiimb thanks for the invite im still getin over the shock of not havin any bbys. fuzz should be locked up left me the remains of my girls on my door step :( but yeah man m akin a man jellous here good set up bro nice plants too :)


New Member
hey wiimb thanks for the invite im still getin over the shock of not havin any bbys. fuzz should be locked up left me the remains of my girls on my door step :( but yeah man m akin a man jellous here good set up bro nice plants too :)
Thanks very much and welcome :)


Well-Known Member
I'm late to the party but got here just before the action really gets kickin :eyesmoke:. Still to catch up proper but all looks solid in here wiimb. Keep 'em coming mate is this your first?? :mrgreen::peace:.
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