Fucking Cats.

So my beautiful, amazing and delicious future baby aka "Cinderella Lights" (Cinderella 99/Northern Lights hybrid 1st gen) died a vicious and sudden death early this morning when my jackass of a cat Jeeves decided to eat her :( It has been a foggy, gray day since I first found the remnants of my sweet darling's leaves this morning, curled up on the floor in (relative) agony. I ask that everyone take a moment to mourn the loss of her Majesty the Green.
Shit sucks. But, alas, I begin again. Just planted ANOTHER hybrid seedling, let's hope my cabinets prove more difficult to open in the future. Water experiment I was talking about before yielded amazing results in my Regg seedlings. Out of 12 seeds planted, four were raised on Deer Park Bottled Water, four were raised on unfiltered tepid tap water, and four were raised on used bong water.
As expected, the bottled water seedlings thrived and doubled their height consecutively for the first 6 days. Then they abruptly stopped and started gaining stem strength. I have an air purifier blowing oxygen-enriched air at my babies to assist in the strengthening of their stalks.
The tap water seeds failed to even crack open, I'm glad I spent all this time and money to determine I was drinking radioactive material.
The bong water seeds are growing slowly but are very secure at the stem. I have a feeling they are going to get choked out before they are old enough to start my NPK regimen. But that's what shitty seeds are for. Experimenting (:
Warm wishes for my dearly departed. May this be a lesson to you all. Catslikeweed.


Sector 5 Moderator
I observed a moment of silence for your poor Cindy. We lived in central Cali for a bit and went through water filters every other month. We had not only uranium but arsenic in our water. But we saved money on nightlights. :)


Well-Known Member
Grow a container with pet grass in it. They eat it, and so will dogs, because they need the roughage and use it to throw up hairballs. Many of those hairballs go on to post here on RIU and other online forums. Plant the grass. Please.


Active Member
Grow a container with pet grass in it. They eat it, and so will dogs, because they need the roughage and use it to throw up hairballs. Many of those hairballs go on to post here on RIU and other online forums. Plant the grass. Please.
This!! I keep a container of cat grass in the tent for my kitty so she can come garden with me. You can buy a pack of seeds from amazon for a couple of dollars and they'll love you for it! My cat has done the same before and gets a "treat" of trimmings when it's harvest time.


Well-Known Member
Im highly allergic to cats but there is a stray that lives in the woods behind my house that watches over and protects my plants from the damn squirrels! Almsot everytime i check on my plants there he is just chilln. I believe this started because one day i shot a dove and went to pick it up to go clean it and out popped GrayJay! That is what i named him! I tossed him the dove and he ate it up! Rolled around on its dead body and from that day on we have been best buds! I just never touch him. He seems to understand. So when i have some spare time i shoot him a bird and toss it his way. Who said mans best friend was a dog!?? Haha. (P.s. stupid squirrels are always fucking shit up) i love this cat!
Hahaha for those of you demented fucks who want to eat cats... ew.... truly after a girl's heart huh.
As for the cat grass, I have two cat grass containers for my cats and dry catnip available twentyfoursev.
they prefer the pot. On occasion I grow some shitty weed for them to eat, saves my good shit. But they seem to know the different now, fuckers are passing on the Mids and are coming right for my princess Cinderella!
I started another one, it's doing pretty good but the first one was soooo nice. grrrr.
And that's cute about the stray (: Not so much about the dead body bit, a tad macabre for me. But suit yourself (: