Fuckin COPS !!!


Active Member
I think your buddy was looking to fill a quota...good for you not to break down. I bet that was hard. I guess he's not much of a friend anymore?


Active Member
NOPE lol and just to let you guys know that the is a very good video on youtube entitled " what to do in police encounters" lots of great info about police run-ins


Well-Known Member
This is obviously a lie, you yourself say and I quote, "I am a liar and everything that comes out of my mouth is pure bullshit".

Really though man that sucks, really sucks your friend turned on you like that but hey what do you expect with a pig.


Well-Known Member
Good for you.

We have plenty of rights. Most simply choose not to exercise them. You did.

Your old 'friend' would have trick-fucked you if you had given him the opportunity.

Always remember; to them we are, every last one of us, the enemy.

Best of luck.


Active Member
NOPE lol and just to let you guys know that the is a very good video on youtube entitled " what to do in police encounters" lots of great info about police run-ins
Not sure why everyone thinks this video is so great. It teaches you one thing, don't talk to the cops. Other then that it just gives many situations of people getting screwed because they talk to the cops. The whole video could have been summed up in 5 minutes with the examples. It doesn't go much into your actual rights, 4th amendment rights, or how to handle situations beyond "don't talk to the cops". I would think this should be a pretty basic concept by now. Not trying to bust your balls at all, just the videos.

For the OP, that sucks, especially since the person who knows you would try and use that relationship to get let in, definitely shady and obviously not someone you would want around after that.


Active Member
ya but point is that ALOT of people DON'T know that they have a right to refuse and so they think that they have to do what the police say. I'm sure there are better videos out there but this shows you the basics. Doing research on all your rights is very helpful