
Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
pistols are easier to hide then plants IMO, unless u have a arsonal ditch the gun license and get the MJ. guns in ur House is a second amendment, easier to battle the MJ cult. unless ur a convicted felon which you said ur not. but thats imo.


In my state second amendment doesn't mean shit. I would face more jail time having a gun on me without license than having mj on me


In this state I can legally posess an ounce and not having any criminal charges just get a 100 $ fine. To possess a gun would be a felony charge


Well-Known Member
Actually, in some states that are de-crimnalized, plants are still a felony.

Also, medical records are federally covered under HIPA (Health Information Protection Act) so they should not be able to access anything pertaining to your medical records. Wont show up on a background check or there would be massive grounds for lawsuits.


Active Member
Guns or buds? HMMM tough choice, for an American! Edit: added obvious sarcasam as original message was too English.
if he is being such a horrible person, then be one back... be sneaky about it though. it sounds bad, and i wish this upon no-one, but carry on growing, and if/when he finds you again have a fight, then burst into tears and say that you've kept a secret from him and that you have a disease and you use weed to kill the pain and its the only thing you know that gives you happiness in life anymore. sounds harsh, maybe too harsh, but if my "soulmate" was so insecure and stuck up in medevil ways then i would want them to understand that.


Well-Known Member
if he is being such a horrible person, then be one back... be sneaky about it though. it sounds bad, and i wish this upon no-one, but carry on growing, and if/when he finds you again have a fight, then burst into tears and say that you've kept a secret from him and that you have a disease and you use weed to kill the pain and its the only thing you know that gives you happiness in life anymore. sounds harsh, maybe too harsh, but if my "soulmate" was so insecure and stuck up in medevil ways then i would want them to understand that.
Not a good idea unless you are into games, just GTFO and move on. You say you have a child, so he may never be entirely out of the picture but get out of the situation and move on with your life. You may even want to re-evaluate if growing is a good idea in that situation, where it could potentially cost you your parental rights.


Well-Known Member
So kush is is that you in your avatar?;)
Why does it matter?!?!?! Are you going to seek her out if it is? I guess it is hard to find girls that are into growing... So there is that, but really, i'm Glad mine just doesn't mind that I grow, legal or not. Sorry for your misfortune Kush.


Well-Known Member
That really sucks! As much time and effort Ive put into my girls...if my man had something to say about it I may be inclined to....take him fishing!!!