Fuck You LYBIA


Well-Known Member
Ok, lets get literal then.
Obama has been president while attacks by the USA military have been performed in SEVEN countries.
How many past presidents can make that claim?


Well-Known Member
I read about this and it didn't seem to have much to do with Obama. I'm pretty sure we had a consulate or embassy in both Egypt and Libya before each country had their "revolutions".

Really comes down to bad security, especially by the Libyan/Egyptian national security forces.


Well-Known Member
I read about this and it didn't seem to have much to do with Obama. I'm pretty sure we had a consulate or embassy in both Egypt and Libya before each country had their "revolutions".

Really comes down to bad security, especially by the Libyan/Egyptian national security forces.
Everything is Obama's fault. Pretty sure he caused the Great Depression too.


Well-Known Member
I read about this and it didn't seem to have much to do with Obama. I'm pretty sure we had a consulate or embassy in both Egypt and Libya before each country had their "revolutions".

Really comes down to bad security, especially by the Libyan/Egyptian national security forces.

it is all obama, didn't you listen to romney?

i mean, romney would NEVER try to distract from his failing campaign by blaming the president for something that is not his fault.

that would be disgusting for romney to use the deaths of americans to his manufactured political advantage!

all obama's fault.

desert dude

Well-Known Member

it is all obama, didn't you listen to romney?

i mean, romney would NEVER try to distract from his failing campaign by blaming the president for something that is not his fault.

that would be disgusting for romney to use the deaths of americans to his manufactured political advantage!

all obama's fault.

Your thread, titled "Never Forget" from yesterday, the 11th anniversary of the attacks on the pentagon and world trade centers in case that fact was overlooked by you, comes to mind as I read that sentence.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
I just woke up what did Libya do?

This I assume http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE88B0EI20120912?irpc=932

Doesn't sound like its Libyas fault though lol


Well-Known Member
Your thread, titled "Never Forget" from yesterday, the 11th anniversary of the attacks on the pentagon and world trade centers in case that fact was overlooked by you, comes to mind as I read that sentence.
that thread was about the GOP's refusal to take care of the first responders they hailed as heroes, not about the fallen.


Well-Known Member
Harrekin, first of all, there are conflicting accounts of exactly how the ambassador died so I think your smoke inhalation statement should wait for verification.

Secondly, and much more importantly, if he did die of smoke inhalation it was still murder. If I intentionally set fire to your house and you die of smoke inhalation I don't get to claim, "it was all just an accident, I had nothing to do with dear old Harrekin passing on to the big potato field in the sky".
They were protesting cos their nut-bag religion's rules told them to. Americans riot and light fire to shit domestically occasionally, it's not an act of war if someone accidentally dies, it's an accidental death caused by an act of stupidity.

Are the fucking Righties here honestly trying to use this as a justification for war?

I'm losing my faith in the fundamental underlying goodness of humanity.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
Lmfao now the so called protesters were just trying to drag his body to the hospital for treatment according to Hilary Clinton .

Trying to water this down hardcore


Well-Known Member
Everything is Obama's fault. Pretty sure he caused the Great Depression too.
It sounds like Obama spent a lot of time in gay bath houses in chicago, back in the day. If true, he did cause many boners...but, not the Great Depression.


Well-Known Member
Lmfao now the so called protesters were just trying to drag his body to the hospital for treatment according to Hilary Clinton .

Trying to water this down hardcore
Actully freindly Libyan Militia brought him to the hospital and it looks like this was a organized attack from al qaeda that used the protest as cover


Well-Known Member
Actully freindly Libyan Militia brought him to the hospital and it looks like this was a organized attack from al qaeda that used the protest as cover
Everything is Al Queda apparently, it used to be the Communists.

Do you ever learn?