FS Lemon Kush and WOS Strawberry Blue


Well-Known Member
The plant on the left is so more sativa than the right which is more hybrid cant believe the extreme difference in pheno's . They are from the same batch of seeds that they sent me, got 2 more of the beans left don't know till i germ em if there going to do the same . Strawberry blue is getting a little bigger was hoping for more growth but had her tucked between the 2 bigger plants and she wasn't getting much light so i raised her up to canopy level so she starting to show more growth.


Well-Known Member
Yeah me 2!!! Been all over the net from youtube to every site that comes up and very minimal grow reports or even just smoke reports, just nothing of any use buuuut i did find a few on here for SB and subbed for a few but anxiously waiting for mine and there finish. But anyways thanks and try to keep you folks updated as much as i can.
iv heard some good things about sb iv got a few cant wait


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Well-Known Member
I can't wait till she's a little bigger mine that is, she starting a little slower than I expected but she was in some poop soil I had laying around but just transplanted her in some ffof tonight.


Well-Known Member
My SB is a slow grower for some reason , but i transplanted last night and hopefully she takes off!!!