Fruit Trees In MN


Well-Known Member
does anybody know of any edible fruit- or nut-bearing trees that grow in minnesota? doing a class project and i cant find anything online about this..any help would be sweet. it cant be like the apple and fruit trees the u of m has created that have to be grafted and all that..its gotta be an edible fruit or nut that will wildly grow in zone 3 preferrably in MN.



Active Member
The Hardy Kiwi or Arctic Kiwi are very cold tolerant and can withstand temperatures as low as -25 degrees Fahrenheit. Hardy Arctic Kiwi plants need around 150 frost-free days for their fruits to mature and ripen.
Got a male and female growing first year tell you next spring if it survives. I think it's hairless. Check it out. Got a tasty peach tree for bout six years.

kool cat

Active Member
Many trees grow in Minnesota, Butternut,Hickorynut,acorns,walnuts, plums,crabapple,blueberry,gooseberry,raseburry,strawberrys. These all grow wild in
Minnesota hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
blueberrys gooseberrys strawberrys and raspberrys are all shrubs/bushes............but i did not kno we had wild walnuts and plum trees...thanks