From seed to harvest (CFL and 250w HPS scrog) (First grow)

Have some numbers on my first grow. this is all approximate because i had to wait a long time for my digital scale to arrive. but according to my calcualtions i pulled about 50g pr plant. which im very happy with. And now, that its properly cured its a nice smoke and a very desent high. But think im gonna stick with indica dominant strains from now on. much more easy to control on my VERY limited space. :P
week 3.
Have some light tips on some of the leaves. Either i overnute or the bulb was to close. Or maybe a combo. So i feed the plants clean water and moved the bulb futher away, and will start feeding nuts in small doses aigen from next watering. But the plants seems to do fine. So im not worried yet. :P
Here they are.
Ok so weekly update has been moved from monday to sunday. So here is a 6 day update from last time. calling it week 4 since its only 1 day. Just much more easy to do it on sundays.

Got my carbon filter installed. Hope it wont effect the temp much but it seems like its doin alright. (Installed it 30min ago, and no noticeable diffrence.
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The blue cheese have some problems. looks like heat stress, so i moved the buttom fan up to focus the middel. But any advise if im wrong would be appriciated.
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But all in all still looks good.
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