friend hardcore defoliated couple plants... need some input

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Active Member
i hope all the growers hiding behind internet science degrees , are growing using LEDS in Aeroponics
some pics would be nice :)
it just would seem hypocritical if you were using HID'S and soil and claiming to be an elite scientist just my opinion

unless its a scientist that got hit on the head in the 1970's and never recovered ?

Don't have the slightest goddamn clue what the hell your talking about science degrees, aeroponics, HIDs and LEDs..... But I think you are agreeing with me in my mantra of "FUCK SCIENCE"! Am I right man?

Leave matching the science of botany into our experiments for the nerds. Am I right. That frees us up and the universe becomes our oyster. I dont see those science/botany nerds flavoring their weed with wild berry kool-aide am I right? Screw them idiots.

As for pics, I am still trying to find enough old fashion thermometers to collect enough mercury to spray on my crop. Thos little fuckers are sure hard to find now. Maybe the Goodwill has some old ones laying around.


Well-Known Member
Don't have the slightest goddamn clue what the hell your talking about science degrees, aeroponics, HIDs and LEDs..... But I think you are agreeing with me in my mantra of "FUCK SCIENCE"! Am I right man?

Leave matching the science of botany into our experiments for the nerds. Am I right. That frees us up and the universe becomes our oyster. I dont see those science/botany nerds flavoring their weed with wild berry kool-aide am I right? Screw them idiots.

As for pics, I am still trying to find enough old fashion thermometers to collect enough mercury to spray on my crop. Thos little fuckers are sure hard to find now. Maybe the Goodwill has some old ones laying around.

no mate i am saying, fuck the little bullshitters that talk big and post pictures of average plants, its quite boring
good luck finding your pictures and good luck with your science degree :)


Active Member
The world used to be flat. Now it's round. Fact.
Flat Earth was not a scientific theory but a mythical religious one. In some ancient cultures people did believe their world was flat, but they based it on nothing but on their myths and perception. Even when science in those cultures proved that it was not flat, many of the uneducated refused to believe in anything but a flat Earth because it fit into their religious paradigms. It was their only reality even with it being contrary to indisputable evidence to show otherwise. So this is not really a very good argument against using science instead of individual perceived perceptions.


Well-Known Member
Flat Earth was not a scientific theory but a mythical religious one. In some ancient cultures people did believe their world was flat, but they based it on nothing but on their myths and perception. Even when science in those cultures proved that it was not flat, many of the uneducated refused to believe in anything but a flat Earth because it fit into their religious paradigms. It was their only reality even with it being contrary to indisputable evidence to show otherwise. So this is not really a very good argument against using science instead of individual perceived perceptions.
you seem to be having an argument with yourself
or at least attempting to put words in the mouth's of others
what scientific degrees do you hold currently , and what scientific degrees are you studding for ?


Active Member
you seem to be having an argument with yourself
or at least attempting to put words in the mouth's of others
what scientific degrees do you hold currently , and what scientific degrees are you studding for ?
You talk real funny. How in the world could I argue with myself while putting words into someone elses mouth?? Lol that funny.

But I am starting to think you might be a sock puppet. You dont sound anti-science to me at all. I will not tell you of any science degree I may or may not have you tricky-tricky little sock puppet science nerd. I will not tell you, you are trying to trick me.


Well-Known Member
You talk real funny. How in the world could I argue with myself while putting words into someone elses mouth?? Lol that funny.

But I am starting to think you might be a sock puppet. You dont sound anti-science to me at all. I will not tell you of any science degree I may or may not have you tricky-tricky little sock puppet science nerd. I will not tell you, you are trying to trick me.
you are telling me you are laughing at my comments, but at the same time you are attempting to insult me
i am a stranger on the internet, did i upset you ?
i stated that you are attempting to be smart, you have succeeded in nothing more than a poor attempt at sarcasm and a few child like insults

either you are someone who is genuine and holds a degree in botany or another related science or you are studding for such a qualification
you should be proud of such an achievement

however if you are not qualified in these areas and you are re-posting information you found with google while pretending to be a follower of science this seems stupid and disingenuous to me
i would rather see and hear from genuine folk that are not pretending to be scientists

zomg i can insult strangers on the interwebz lolz


Active Member
you are telling me you are laughing at my comments, but at the same time you are attempting to insult me
i am a stranger on the internet, did i upset you ?
i stated that you are attempting to be smart, you have succeeded in nothing more than a poor attempt at sarcasm and a few child like insults

either you are someone who is genuine and holds a degree in botany or another related science or you are studding for such a qualification
you should be proud of such an achievement

however if you are not qualified in these areas and you are re-posting information you found with google while pretending to be a follower of science this seems stupid and disingenuous to me
i would rather see and hear from genuine folk that are not pretending to be scientists

zomg i can insult strangers on the interwebz lolz

So you are not really anti-science, you just dont believe that people that have no degree in botany cannot properly discuss scientific issues in botany because reading scientific data is only digestible while at a scientific university? That doesn't sound very anti-science to me. Hmm I think you have been a fraud here when you claimed you were anti-science. But whatever.

OK so skunkd0c has proposed a new Rollitup rule. If you dont have a degree an a specific topic, you are unable to address it....even if you are well versed and correct.

So now I am going to check everyone's cannabis growing degree from now on or skunkd0c shall revoke your privilege to speak about growing cannabis. I have thought about enrolling in Portlandsterdam University so I am good-to-go.

As for all you science nerds....get your paper work and show us your botany degree or you cannot speak.....even if you are right.

Oh yeah skunkd0, that post about the flat Earth I posted....I dont have a degree in mythology or history, but have taken some astronomy classes once...should I delete my post since I do not posses a degree? How about PJ? I am guessing he doesn't either.

skunkd0...give us your rules and rullings please.


Well-Known Member

So you are not really anti-science, you just dont believe that people that have no degree in botany cannot properly discuss scientific issues in botany because reading scientific data is only digestible while at a scientific university? That doesn't sound very anti-science to me. Hmm I think you have been a fraud here when you claimed you were anti-science. But whatever.

OK so skunkd0c has proposed a new Rollitup rule. If you dont have a degree an a specific topic, you are unable to address it....even if you are well versed and correct.

So now I am going to check everyone's cannabis growing degree from now on or skunkd0c shall revoke your privilege to speak about growing cannabis. I have thought about enrolling in Portlandsterdam University so I am good-to-go.

As for all you science nerds....get your paper work and show us your botany degree or you cannot speak.....even if you are right.

Oh yeah skunkd0, that post about the flat Earth I posted....I dont have a degree in mythology or history, but have taken some astronomy classes once...should I delete my post since I do not posses a degree? How about PJ? I am guessing he doesn't either.

skunkd0...give us your rules and rullings please.
for someone that is laughing you really seem upset


Active Member
for someone that is laughing you really seem upset
Upset? About what? I am going with your proposal to only allow people with the proper documented qualifications to participate in discussions. I mean this is your idea man. Are you now balking? First you turn out not to be anti-science even though you led me to believe you were. And now you chastise me for jumping on your bandwagon. WTF man? Yeah maybe I should be are nothing but a big old meanie and are not a truthful person.

Fool me once shame on you...fool me twice and you are no longer my friend.


Screw skunkd0c idea of having proper documented qualifications! He is a tyrant, a meanie and a I think he is a sock puppet posing as a science hater. Dont trust this man. He might be FBI!!!!


Well-Known Member
You are upset about something, your posts are very child-like silly insults
you like to let your imagination run away with itself in an effot to create some drama for yourself

i only asked you what your qualifications were, from this you have invented a fabricated story

why not just simply say you are not qualified, why all the drama ?
do you suffer from ADHD ?

ok you are not a scientist, that is great, i am not a scientist either
now what ?
more insults, or perhaps you found the pictures of your plants ?


Active Member
You are upset about something, your posts are very child-like silly insults
you like to let your imagination run away with itself in an effot to create some drama for yourself

i only asked you what your qualifications were, from this you have invented a fabricated storyo

why not just simply say you are not qualified, why all the drama ?
do you suffer from ADHD ?

ok you are not aentist, that is great, i am not a scientist either
more insults, or perhaps you found the pictures of your plants ?
No degree...guess that means we should forget your plan for new rules.

You sure do seem smart as all get out. But I still think you FBI.

Ok no more wacking the kitten, back to the discussion at hand.


Well-Known Member
No degree...guess that means we should forget your plan for new rules.

You sure do seem smart as all get out. But I still think you FBI.

Ok no more wacking the kitten, back to the discussion at hand.

i wish you would just talk normal, all the silliness , you do not need to hide behind anything, just be yourself :)
now what about your plants, i would love to see them :)


Active Member
i wish you would just talk normal, all the silliness , you do not need to hide behind anything, just be yourself :)
now what about your plants, i would love to see them :)
You want me to post pics of something I have grown? You would like to see that you say? Funny thing is since I am a legal medical grower I'm not exactly allowed to post public pics of my grow room. Not that I think they really monitor that type of thing, but would be my motivation exactly? A dick size contest? Is that what you want? To compare dicks? You would like me to possibly jeopardize my legal grow status along with my patients medicine to have a dick size contest with you? Let me think about that one.


Well-Known Member

You want me to post pics of something I have grown? You would like to see that you say? Funny thing is since I am a legal medical grower I'm not exactly allowed to post public pics of my grow room. Not that I think they really monitor that type of thing, but would be my motivation exactly? A dick size contest? Is that what you want? To compare dicks? You would like me to possibly jeopardize my legal grow status along with my patients medicine to have a dick size contest with you? Let me think about that one.
what you need to do first is calm down
you seem to misinterpret everything, injecting your own negative thoughts , i see this as firstly a trolling mechanism to create a little drama
but now i really do think you are paranoid and it is not just nihilistic sarcasm

it would be nice to see how you have implemented the scientific data that you speak off to the benefit of your plants
if posting pictures is a security risk to you that is a shame
perhaps if you learn more about how computers work, you can learn to attain a reasonable amount of anonymity on the internet
i find sharing pictures with other growers enjoyable, i can learn from others and i hope they can learn from me
it is a shame you are hostile to this sharing process

i am quite happy to post pictures of the plants i have grown, and am happy to take on-board constructive criticism
i guess my love of the plant exceeds my fear of the uk government i do not share their opinion on the status of this plant

peace :)

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member

You want me to post pics of something I have grown? You would like to see that you say? Funny thing is since I am a legal medical grower I'm not exactly allowed to post public pics of my grow room. Not that I think they really monitor that type of thing, but would be my motivation exactly? A dick size contest? Is that what you want? To compare dicks? You would like me to possibly jeopardize my legal grow status along with my patients medicine to have a dick size contest with you? Let me think about that one.
Since when is it against the medical laws to post pics of your grow online? That's a new one on me, if it's true..


Well-Known Member
Since when is it against the medical laws to post pics of your grow online? That's a new one on me, if it's true..
Thats what I was thinking. I'm not medical and don't know the laws, but unless tons of people on this website are all ignoring that, it seems like lots of medical growers post here.


Arrogance is quite common in science. A well read and intellegent person has all the right to not only defend the truth but also to chastise those charletens who spread disinformation, ESPESIALLY those who deny scientific procedure! I love how having a degree makes someone an elitist in your eyes.... How very sad your life must be. It has never in history been so easy to educate yourself. If you don't have a degree or are not working toward one it is because you are either too lazy to make the effort, too dim witted to understand the value of knowledge, or so arrogant you think you know enough.

At any rate there is a name for the particular affliction these fools carry through there meager existence. The Dunning Kruger Effect. Dunning and Kruger had gone and proven that, for a given skill, incompetent people will:
  1. tend to overestimate their own level of skill;
  2. fail to recognize genuine skill in others;
  3. fail to recognize the extremity of their inadequacy

This research has been recently revisited and consequentially reaffirmed by a few universitys and it was shown that the affliction is much more common when pretaining to sciences. A very blatant example is the discontinuity between scientists and the population at large concerning climate change.

Something to consider.... If partaking in an illogical course of action seams to provide a positive response, one should first reevaluate the peramiters of their scenario.

Im sorry but I had to add this.... It is fairly telling when one of the pro-defoliation sheep say that a bud is made up of leaves! A little botany would have taught you that a flower is made up of petals, sepals, and either stamens, pistils or both. Flowers with both stamens and pistils are called perfect (or hermaphrodite for you pot heads). Cannabis is unlike a majority of plants in that it has imperfect flowers. Not only that but cannabis flowers are lacking a set of petals. They only contain sepals and sex organs. A collection sepals is known as a calyx. Petals and sepals do not photosynthasize. They attract pollinators. if defoliation helps you grow better plants you have a lot of learning to do starting with grow room design!


Well-Known Member
If it is your belief that all cannabis plants grow perfectly without any kind of intervention from the grower, then perhaps you should live in Jamaica and just throw seeds in the ground
don't worry about any kind of fertilizer any kind of training, or any phenotype selection pray to jah Rastafari to grow them for you .. good luck

It is my opinion that the pictures of the plants uncle Ben has posted are average. This is not flaming, it is me stating my opinion
uncle Ben is obsessed with this topic a simple search will testify to that fact, rather than offering constructive criticism, uncle Ben uses insults and copies nonsense from grow books and re-posts it, something similar to what Brick Top would do

You are free to agree or disagree with my opinions but labeling my comments as flaming would indicate to me that you are defending your friend uncle Ben, this is an admirable action but unnecessary since he was not under attack he knows very well how obsessed he is with this topic, and i am sure he can speak for himself

It is a pity, i would hope that your loyalties to your friend can be put aside so that you have an open mind to the opinions of everyone and not just a select few
nothing worse than a close minded cheerleader < That is just me thinking out-loud, i would not want to be accused of flaming anyone, especially elite members of the RIU grow hierarchy LOL

happy seed chucking

--I have no loyalties but to this plant :) sorry for insinuating that you were "flaming" , lol and i'm no ones cheerleader~ but i'am game for watching cheerleaders prance around in Jamaica chucking seeds :leaf: I' am always open-minded since you should always view everything "out side the box", and no, I don't pray to Jah to grow my plants, that's for lazy people :)


since you mentioned cheerleaders..
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