Free Speech in Australia.. the price of pot.. the Texas Chainsaw massacre

Martin Timothy

Well-Known Member
Free Speech in Australia.. the price of pot.. the Texas Chainsaw massacre

Australian academic jailed for Holocaust dissent

Holocaust® denier Fredrick Töben to serve time in jail

By Tim Dornin Australian Associated Press Thursday, 13 August 2009

ADELAIDE, S.A. — Holocaust® denier Fredrick Töben has been taken into custody to serve a three-month jail term over publishing [alleged] offensive material on the Internet.

MAXIMUM SECURITY — Dangerous dissident is taken to the Yatala Labor Prison.

The 64-year-old was taken from the Federal Court in Adelaide by Australian Federal Police today after losing his appeal against his conviction for contempt of court.

The full court of the Federal Court also ruled that his jail term, originally imposed in May this year, was in no way excessive. "In our opinion, the sentence of three months cannot, on any stretch of the imagination, be considered excessive or unwarranted," the three-judge panel said.

The judges said Töben also had a disregard for the orders of the court and had acted to undermine the authority of the court.

Earlier this year, Töben was found guilty on 24 counts of contempt for ignoring a previous court order preventing him from publishing [so-called] racist material on the Adelaide Institute website. When he later imposed a three-month sentence, Justice Bruce Lander said Töben had continued to breach those 2002 orders, which prevented him from publishing specific anti-Semitic material.

The 2002 orders stemmed from a racial discrimination case brought against him by Jeremy Jones, a former president of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry.

Denied right to final statement

In his final submissions today, counsel for Töben, David Perkins, suggested the material published on the Adelaide Institute website, which questioned whether the Holocaust® even occurred, was just a "drop in the bucket" compared to the amount of revisionist material available on the Internet.

But in their verdict, the judges said the case before them was not about the Holocaust®, gas chambers or the execution of Jews during World War II. They said it was about whether or not Töben had complied with orders of the court.

"Obedience to the court is not optional," they said.

As the court rose, Töben asked if he could say something to the judges, only to be cut off by Justice Jeffrey Spender who simply said, "No".More news coverage on Toben jailing
So I get ripped off in Nimbin after going' there to get drugs.. starting to chill out reading stories like this and knowing in advance that I'm gonna be the only Australian Trade Union voice to register criticism..

The unions were infiltrated under cover of "Communists in the Unions," rhetoric of the 1950's.. they were communists Lenin Instute men who had been proteges of Izzy Wyner chief of the Sydney Branch of the Painters and Dockers Union, who exerted a sort of "Old Man of the Mountain," effect on those to whom he showed favor.

There were trips abroad to Moscow for instance where hired prostitutes provided sexual excess, and in return he would guarantee them election in as many unions as were under his control, which extended to the Melbourne and Brisbane Branches similarly of the Painters and Dockers Union.

To that end Pat Shannon who was recruited in Adelaide in 1956 or so, on a Wyner union ticket that included the guarantee that he would become Secretary of the Melbourne Branch, a position he held until he was murdered in 1972 after refusing the overtures of those who would have him abandon all principal, so that he too could be one of the lechers and drunkards Wyner kept in his train.

His replacement was Jack Nicholls-Hewen a rank and filer who was expected to toe the line as far as his role was, and he knew what to expect should he "get any ideas."

Thus the union's power base one the one hand was the workers who did the hands on tasks, nor were we aught but a feeding ground for the illuminati, who were granted grazing rights re the industrial roster system, which had the potential to transform union officials into demi gods, whose favor meant dusk to dawn payment an union rates 1995 it was $509.00 for a ten hour shift Sunday night!

Years of payment on top rates had created a caste system, neither was membership essential since the overflow system meant that some crucial lowly jobs still had to be manned, and none of the "Toffs," recruited off seaman's rosters in the UK very often, were up to the tasks.

So there was an entry level operation where ppl could just walk in off the street, thence be placed into highly paid employment, in Australia that system evolved into the P&D's Union ..we weren't a pretty lot a lot of the time, and many men were directed to the docks casual roster by parole officers!

Get on board at about six twelve hour work shifts per week, on today's rates closes out at about two grand per shift, all week every week ..yeah it was alright, except we were constantly interrupted by Wyner's yuppies recruited in Canberra very often, whose meteoric rise thru union ranks guaranteed their use of such titles as Vice President or President.. whose rascality knew no bounds, who became the inner sanctum.

They were given he right to run fiddles.. after a marine client paid top dollar for marine anti fouling paint, which was thinned down with industrial thinners at just a few dollars a gallon, the unused paint was on the black market.

As well as the foreman class loading the jobs up with "Ghost" employees, for whose services the client paid big dollars.. and were above the law when they murdered whomsoever they did to protect their scab operation, to the tune of scores of dead!

Similarly reinforced by such jail house cooks and dog yard attendees, who might attempt a a credible resistance of the dock yard knuckle artist, who is very often fighting for his dignity and his livelihood, against hoodlums similarly recruited as union officials or both!

That's how I got to be top hand in the Painters and Dockers Union,

Similarly the War on Terror is being carried out by the very interests whose Israel, thence Jew, thence as many Izzy Wyner clones as could provide labor.

Who entered the picture after the Demise of the Unions in 1993 under Jew clone Bob Hawke and Paul Keating inspired legislation, whose resignation and departure echoed the resignation and departure of Gough Whitlam, elected in 1972, and whose Marshall Green and Malcolm Frazer inspired departure from the post of Australian Prime Minister in 1975 saw him similarly resign from the Australian Federal Parliament.

Marshall Green was CIA, Frazer was a Jew.

Those three departures saw that there was no "Committee of the Elders," described by Cicero as essential for a functioning republic.

Other than that in Nimbin I pay a black guy $1000 for three bags of pot, the guy uses sleight of hand when he gives me two tightly rolled bags of hydro hemp, and tells me that cameras and police snitches frequent the area to put it away quick.. when I get home, there are only two bags in the roll, make that two bags of hemp at $1000.

There were a couple thugs nearby one is a nigger and seems friendly at first.. even so ..So on the way home I pass a lengthy mural beside the highway depicting angry blacks!

On the way up I picked up a finger pickin' guitar playin' guy I know from the Nimbin sound lounge.. he is goin the same direction as me, and like me is out of weed.

He debriefs me like what you been doin, I tell him I hit the internet in a big way, and have taken down most of the major English language web forums that take political posts, after a whammo story that got six hundred hits overnite.

He says he will look it up, I tell him the latest is that G W Bush was the only survivor of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, when seventeen or so Good 'ol Boys who belonged to a motorcycle outfit, who were filmed being hacked to death then skun, in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, a Jew inspired snuff movie of the event!

Maybe that's what the had on Good 'ol George, that he was a participant when the killers wore pigs head masks.. maybe he has been their tool ever since, even to the extent that he had no qualms about becoming the President upon whose watch the Jew inspired Terrorism, Treason and Treachery of 911 occurred.

The logical explanation is the chainsaw pigmen would be callin' sometime soon should he get any ideas!

It that the same at the pot shop, am I gonna walk in and say why you black k888 you robbed me or explain then remember the two at the door.. do I get out alive maybe there has been killin's up there and the blackies have been well and truly "blooded."