free nutes for plants (no money left!)


Active Member
So ran out of money plants are a week in want to start feeding in a few weeks...

What free things can I use? heard banana's and egg shells

Not sure how you feed it? grind it and mix it with water?


Active Member
I drink a lot of water and my piss is very pale... in the morning its more yellow

Which is better - guessing the yellower the better?


Well-Known Member
urine is good for vegging plants, whoever was talking about the nitrogen in ur urine is correct. but stay away from the dark stuff. pale yellow urine is a good diet sign too! lots of water for a clean healthy system!


Active Member
Ammonia is high in strong pee aswell..

anyone else?

I see a lot of US based... Hey guys cheap nutes.. but never UK ones!

anyone got any??? wilkos or something?


Active Member
Yea, piss is a great source of nitrogen. Drink water in the evening and collect and dilute piss with water. Just make sure its not piss after a night of heavy drinking!

Im sorry but im blazed on some amnesia and ive just walked in on a thread where everyone is pissing on their plants!
You have no idea how big the smile is on my face after laughing so hard.


PS: You have no idea how many times i had to re-read what i wrote to remember what to write next! God Damn Amnesia! :weed:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Urine doesnt contain amonia when it is fresh. It contains urea which metablizes into ammonia quickly. Therefore you use what ya got when it is time to feed and ammonia levels will not have time to elevate due to the plant uptake of the urine.


Active Member
this doesnt adversely affect the plants health or the bud it produces? i feel like the fact that its sucking up piss as food might take the plant down a weird road.


Well-Known Member
Read my post in my sig bro, I've listed numerous things you can add to your medium for free to help your plants grow.


Well-Known Member
OK, so are you over the shock now??? In the not so distant past, we didn't have the luxury of having a small room in the house where we could flush away our number ones and twos. But did you ever wonder how we managed before the water closet? Not that I want to get into the history of it, but let's just say that before the times of our current throw-away society, people thought of multiple uses for just about everything.
Well maybe you didn't know that human urine is the fastest acting, most excellent source of Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium and some trace elements. Not only that, but we all have a constant, year round supply of it - and it's free! There's not a lot of effort involved in creating this wonderful organic liquid fertilizer.
Some men I know are more than happy to oblige a tree, bush or lawn (out of view, of course).
Did you know that many toilets use between 50 and 100 litres of water a day to flush around 1.5 litres of pee? And the high levels of nutrients in our effluent systems leads to the growth of algae, which ultimately causes the death of plants and animals throughout our waterways.
What are the advantages of using urine as an organic liquid fertilizer?
If you're not flushing this valuable liquid down the loo, you are reducing your water consumption - good for the environment and your pocket
You'll be reducing the amount of sewerage runoff
There'll be less nutrients in our waterways
Urine as a liquid fertilizer is available in an ideal chemical form for plants to use
Gardening costs are less as your liquid fertilizer is free
It is readily available all year round and there are no transportation costs Just so that you know, fresh human urine is sterile (unless there is a urinary tract infection - this urine should not be used) and so free from bacteria.
I recommend that you dilute urine to 10-15 parts water to 1 part urine for application on plants in the growth stage. Dilute to 30-50 parts water to 1 part urine for use on pot plants as they are much more sensitive to fertilizers of any kind.
Trees, shrubs and lawn should cope well without dilution. Withhold the use of urine liquid fertilizer on all food plants at least two weeks before harvesting. Apply under fruiting plants, not directly on foliage.
Don't use urine older than 24hours on your plants as the urea turns into ammonia and will burn your plants. If it's not fresh, add it to your compost heap. Adding undiluted human urine to your compost heap will help heat it up quickly as it is an excellent activator and will add to the final nutrient value.
As far as antibiotics, vitamin supplements and other medications go, yes they will end up in your urine, but in such minute quantities that I believe to be negligible - especially when it is diluted.
So put this excellent source of free liquid fertilizer to good use in your garden, rather than add to the burden that we as humans cause to our environment.

Hi, I am an avid organic gardener and am known by my friends as the recycling queen. I live on a small country property in South Australia. It is my mission to encourage as many people as possible to start organic gardening. This will improve both our individual lives and the wellbeing of our personal and global environments. Please visit my website and get your free 3 part Composting Guide For Companion Planting info click here
Happy gardening, healthy living…
Julie Williams

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