Foxfarm Question


Well-Known Member
ok i bought the foxfarm big grow hydro 3-2-6 from a powerseller on ebay and he sent me the 6-4-4 which is intended for soil use. my question is, will this work for hydroponics or should i order another and use this until it arrives. my seedlings are up and in need of nutes. any help appreciated


Well-Known Member
you can use it. the hydro is formulated slightly different for plant uptake but, as always start small and work your way up. they will be fine. check the ph and PM after you add the nutes. peace

edit: "Grow Big for hydroponics is formulated to be completely soluble and readily available for plant uptake. Grow Big for soil is formulated with a slower release source of nitrogen. Click the more info button for a feeding schedule. "


Well-Known Member
my Ph has been staying around 6 - 6.2 , when i added the foxfarm nutes it jumped up to about 7....looks like its off to the store tonight.....thanks for the info