Fourth grow and Doing a journal..... Pop in


Well-Known Member
Thanks Wild bud and big L ... I could of maybe vegged them for another week odd Big L had about 10 inch spare in top of tent, but tr get height better next round ...... I am pretty please with the out come so far :)


Well-Known Member
It was Attitude M8 .... But the single seed centre have them as well, very good price 2 !
Are you thinking about growing one out ?


Well-Known Member
Significant growth on That re-veg...
Awesome growin goin! Thumbs all the way up.
Hmmmm. Still no likes. Ive finally picked up a decent notebook to use instead of my phone. This site is much better in webview. Now how do I give you some rep?


Well-Known Member
Thanks N.Mich bud...... I use a notebook as well ... I think the pic look better on it than my laptop, I only use that to up load the big pictures ..... Did you notice the white flowers and the thing I thought looked like a seed sac on the Big Bang ? Properly just new growth but I get paranoid near the end incase they hermie seen it happen to people and pretty shit !
Yea it's shite no likes still !


Well-Known Member
It looks hermied by other pics I've seen. But I'm no expert. Maybe that's the"bang" in the big bang?
I think it's very cool you're gonna give that re-veg another go after this one. Are you going to be able to document the re re-veg?


Well-Known Member
It looks hermied by other pics I've seen. But I'm no expert. Maybe that's the"bang" in the big bang?
I think it's very cool you're gonna give that re-veg another go after this one. Are you going to be able to document the re re-veg?
Hhhhhmmmm well it's to late now if it is hopefully it's not though ....... Wouldn't grow it again it's been a shit plant from start to finish ..! Yes I will keep it in my veg tent till his current grow is finish then he will take it with cutting and give it a big pot this time let it stretch good :)


Well-Known Member
Here is the new seedlings coming on well and been topped ..... The Auto is flying ahead and is showing pistils :)

new 73.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much m8 .... :)
I would of liked to of gave it another four more days but hey still have another 3 to get bang on ;)


Well-Known Member
Very nice. Looks like a nice stash of BB will be in the jar soon! You probably did the right thing by chopping it a little early. You know what they say " 2 onces of prevention you still have to cure" lol that didn't come out right. You know what I mean though.


Well-Known Member
DO you have Ed Rosenthal's growers handbook 2010 edition? If so, check out page 361. Here's a quote " Male flowers sometimes appear just as a bud is maturing. They are an indication that the bud is ripe" . I don't swear to any of these bibles and I have 3 of them from different authors. You did the safe thing. IMO


Well-Known Member
DO you have Ed Rosenthal's growers handbook 2010 edition? If so, check out page 361. Here's a quote " Male flowers sometimes appear just as a bud is maturing. They are an indication that the bud is ripe" . I don't swear to any of these bibles and I have 3 of them from different authors. You did the safe thing. IMO
I agree, I'm thinking it was in final ripening stages, the final exertion to procreate


Well-Known Member
Hhhhhmmm fucking crazy looking thing whatever it was ..... Not got anY bibles watched loads on you tube and read loads as well but there is always something that you haven't came across thats interesting to you and all the other growers, it's al knowledge pity we never got a definite answer, I will go with yours N.mich sounds as if it could be credible :)