Fourth grow and Doing a journal..... Pop in


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks Canna ....

yeah mate been getting my smoke on for the last couple of nights, it's good to have different strains to smoke :)
Glad to hear you have no aphids and they are growing more ..... let's see them then ;)
Thanks for bigging mine up but there is loads that could go wrong I am bye far a good grower just lucky so far lol
Here you go Stevieh, since you asked... just gonna quote the most recent post from my journal for ya.

Ok, finally getting around to posting some new pics. But first, some catch up..

A week ago I did 1 final "super prune", as I like to call it (exception being cuttings that I plan to clip around Tuesday). Basically I was just being very aggressive and clipped nearly all fan leaves except those surrounding "tops", around every 10 days. No more of that from here out, gotta get mass bushy to prepare for flowering.

So anyways, just after pruning I watered and fed my girls about a week ago with chemically ph'd water, Cal-Mag+, and superthrive. And... something went horribly wrong...

Well, not "something" because I know now what it was. Instead of using organic methods to pH the water, I went straight to chemical pH down. Dropped it from 8.2 to 6.1. From a couple of recent threads and various grow sites/blogs, I'm pretty certain the chem. pH down is to blame as it apparently shouldn't be used in any non-hydro growing method.

Anyhow, I had some leaves start turning colors (some were showing signs of cal deficiency others showing signs very similar to potassium deficiency, maybe some mag as well). Nevertheless, I didn't flush right away, these girls are strong, I knew they could ride it out until next watering. Despite the discoloration, the plants certainly wasted no time bushin' up!

So then, on Wednesday evening I watered my girls again, but I treated them all to purified distilled water this time. No cal-mag+, no thrive, no pH uppers or downers (neither chemical nor organic), but I did give a LOT OF VERBAL LOVE to the girls. :)

Well they have responded brilliantly, although the damage that was done to some leaves won't ever be normal again, most of the leaves ARE coming back into correct color.

6-7 Days Ago (cut, water + feed):

Now (second day after most recent watering):

Some OG Dutch Treat #5 I b smokin' on righ'cheer - seriously the STICKIEST shit I've ever smoked, the pictures don't even show half the real story here:

I'd flip today if I could ... gotta wait until after the 23rd though, besides I don't have my remodel the grow "hut" completed yet. All I know is I can't wait to c my babies grow up and start budding flowers!

Cheers all. Hope everyone is doing great!
Follow along with me on my first grow -


Well-Known Member
Here's a pic of the revenged super cheese, if it's not ready to go into flower I will move that in with the cuttings I am going to take before the switch ...



Well-Known Member
there all looking nice mate finally starting to get a bit bigger, and that reveg looks a beast m8 never seen anything like it b4 will be interested as to what the yield and smoke wud be like from it.


Well-Known Member
there all looking nice mate finally starting to get a bit bigger, and that reveg looks a beast m8 never seen anything like it b4 will be interested as to what the yield and smoke wud be like from it.
Thanks mate, Yea the reveg is like a wee tree .... Just don't think It will be ready to go into flower the same time, I think I could do it with it because I read that once you see a fan leaf it's good to go .... Just don't think I can get a cutting of it yet .


Well-Known Member
Day 5 Flowering ...

Ok folks, haven't updated this in a while .... Christmas and shit ...... Oh and Merry Christmas ya filthy animals :)

Anyway I switched to 12/12 five days ago, then I left them for 4 days while I was away for Christmas without watering and was surprised when I came back that they weren't showing signs of under watering, one more day and they would of been well droopy though ....
Nothing else really to report apart from i think I am going to need to do some super cropping as two plants are a bit higher, but I will see how it goes might just raise the other two...
Going to start using bio bloom tomorrow as I hadn't any mixed up before I went, but don't think thats going to change much.

Any questions or comments feel free to post ...

cheers :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Day 5 Flowering ...

Ok folks, haven't updated this in a while .... Christmas and shit ...... Oh and Merry Christmas ya filthy animals :)

Anyway I switched to 12/12 five days ago, then I left them for 4 days while I was away for Christmas without watering and was surprised when I came back that they weren't showing signs of under watering, one more day and they would of been well droopy though ....
Nothing else really to report apart from i think I am going to need to do some super cropping as two plants are a bit higher, but I will see how it goes might just raise the other two...
Going to start using bio bloom tomorrow as I hadn't any mixed up before I went, but don't think thats going to change much.

Any questions or comments feel free to post ...

cheers :bigjoint:
P.s I haven't taken any clones as I gave my mate cuttings so when I need them I will just get off of him, plus I got two seeds from some one for free... Grandady purple, if any ones had any experience with that strain chip in ...


Well-Known Member
Day 13 of 12/12

Well still here, the flowers are starting to form and the smell is getting stronger, I am yet to figure out what one the smelliest but I am on to her .....

A few bottom leaves are yellowing and I suspect I need to get some cal-mag to help sort this what do you think ....?



Well-Known Member
Here is the Reveg lol ..... I don't no what to do with this ..... Do you think I should trim it a bit or just let it grow ..?



Well-Known Member
Here is the Reveg lol ..... I don't no what to do with this ..... Do you think I should trim it a bit or just let it grow ..?
I'd say just let it grow. Looking good mate. I'm getting the same issues with the yellow leaves but I'm certain it's because i let them get too dry. Are you watering adequately again ever since the one holiday mishap?

I'm curious now if mine is cal-mag issue.. either way your plants look stellar! Report back soon.


Well-Known Member
Ok am going to up waterings because I have been letting them dry out before watering worth a shot, I looked at a thread about about cal mag on here it showed you a wee cool pic that was easy to read, one of the plants the stems were red and was calcium deficany and the other one stem was white was mag deficany ... I am rambling now boy .... But the point is I can't find it again ha ha .... No if you look at my w/w it's got signs of yellow bottom leaves and red stems where as the hippie killers got yellow leaves and white stems ! Phew :bigjoint:

P.s that's what am gonna do with that funky looking reveg ....!


Well-Known Member
And sorry about the pics being on the side in my last update....
They looked the right way up in my pictures, won't let it happen again !

Famous last words :D


Well-Known Member
You probably noticed I also did a Nirvana WW. I'd say its a great choice for a plant. It's a classic strain for a reason, really hardy plant, awesome soaring high and a really unique smell for weed. Its so sweet I cant even really describe it. I wish I had seperate veg and flowering rooms because I would definitely grow out a WW mother
What weight did you get out of your white widow dry and could you throw a picture on my thread of it finished mate :)