Four weeks of flowering I am having the same problem


New Member
IMG_20151127_155725947.jpg Using connoisseur A&B ph perfect in dwc I am using a single bucket with four gallons of water and I'm putting two ounces of each connoisseur A&B my temperature of my water is between 63 to 65 degrees. My roots are getting a little yellow. My ppm is 1,300 in reverse osmosis water, but my PH is getting higher everyday , one day it's 5.7 and the next day it goes higher to 6.0. I don't know what is wrong, what could it be?


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Well-Known Member
Just means your plants are eating not a bad thing by any means. Silica will just make your ph go even higher. Just part of the game. Maybe adjust your ppms by 50 and see if it levels it out more and just keep playing with it until your plants eat and drink equally... That's the ideal thought anyway


New Member
View attachment 3552357 Using connoisseur A&B ph perfect in dwc I am using a single bucket with four gallons of water and I'm putting two ounces of each connoisseur A&B my temperature of my water is between 63 to 65 degrees. My roots are getting a little yellow. My ppm is 1,300 in reverse osmosis water, but my PH is getting higher everyday , one day it's 5.7 and the next day it goes higher to 6.0. I don't know what is wrong, what could it be?



Well-Known Member
..just make sure your pH pen isn't broken. Double check calibration. People don't realize they have batteries. When they go, the pens go wacky.


Well-Known Member
I got two ph pen I think that i'am over feeding them i'am not sure
PPM's by what scale? Those Chinese meters are weird like that. What's your EC?


She looks a couple of feet tall. It's hard to diagnose, because we don't know what method youve been using to fix it, while freaking out. Just remember that after the damage is done to a leaf, it's permanent. How much is she drinking? Keep in mind some strains are harder to grow then others.

View attachment 3552357 Using connoisseur A&B ph perfect in dwc I am using a single bucket with four gallons of water and I'm putting two ounces of each connoisseur A&B my temperature of my water is between 63 to 65 degrees. My roots are getting a little yellow. My ppm is 1,300 in reverse osmosis water, but my PH is getting higher everyday , one day it's 5.7 and the next day it goes higher to 6.0. I don't know what is wrong, what could it be?
If Connoisseur isn't working for you, swap it out, or call the Adanced Nutrients Growers Support number (1-800-640-9605). AN is pH perfect technology. It gonna keep changing your pH. It what it's designed to do.

From the pictures, she look pretty green from Nitrogen abundance. Looks like she had some lockout as well, causing your deficiencies.


I don't know how new you are to growing, and I don't want to overwhelm or confuse you, but I recommend getting a little background on how the ladies use the chemicals you're feeding them.
"Bright Agrotech" has a crash course on how things work in the internal plant realm. I recommend thier whole line of videos. It takes a hour or so, but it's worth it.
Aquaponics nutrients work the same as any other hydroponics.
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J Bleezy

Well-Known Member
To me it looks like nitrogen toxicity is your main problem, leaves curling downward and very dark green. That shouldn't cause the brown spots though, possibly a calcium def.


New Member
I'm gonna try flushing them for a week and I'm gonna feed them half of what I'm feeding them now. I am pretty sure I am over fertilizing them. Thank you to everyone for your advise and thank you to Dumme for the video you sent me its good to know you guys are here to bounce ideas with.