found spider mites during harvest


Howdy folks. So I just harvested my second grow ever, and I know I may have harvested maybe a week early, but that's besides the point. I was a little lazy on this grow and didn't scope the buds until 3/4 way thru trimming up some rather tasty buds. I noticed these microscopic little devils on one of the leaves and it looks like they are all over. I did some research and have determined they are spider mites. WTF do I do now? Can I treat the buds with anything? Its all trimmed and ready to dry and I'm a little freaked out. Will they just die off? Should I be worried about smoking this? I've seen some various opinions on various threads but never anything about finding them after a harvest. The plants (2) had some dead leaves on the bottom, but other than that they seemed pretty healthy. Some of the buds had spiderwebs(?) On them, not anything too freaky and it cleaned off with Q-tips. What are your opinions? (My apologies in advance if these are stupid questions....)


Well-Known Member
A lot of folks hang their plants upside down to dry.

Usually spider mites vacate to the upper most part of a plant.

In this case it would be the stalk as its upside down. Then just suck them off the stalk.

I would honestly hazard a guess and say that most people have smoked a few bugs here and there when they buy any buds.



Well-Known Member
I promise you have smoked mites and much worse uf you have smoked much street weed.
I wouldnt try to pass it off to anyone as medicine.


Thanks for the feedback. Their so frickin small I didn't think it would be an issue, and as others have stated, we've all probably smoked a few bugs in the past... so I'll just patiently wait for this crop to dry out and consider these buds "lightly seasoned" :)


Well-Known Member
My buddy likes to munch on leafs when he comes over. He's been doing it for awhile & I never told him about mites. Total stoner and has no clue about the ups & downs of growing. Last night I showed him a spider mite infested leaf under my scope. You should a seen the look on his mug when he finely put 2+2 together & realized he'd been eating them by the handful for months! Lol HAHAHA!!!


Well-Known Member
How could u not notice them lol the leaves get all the dots and go yellow I had a bug red mite I festation on last grow early in veg I brought this stuff for killin em on veggies and bang wiped em out seriously tho lol spider mites u can see the silk and nest and the dotting lol u must smoke 2 much bud lol I spend like 4 hours a day with my plants at least talking to em scrutinize every leaf lol trainin them cheakin everything


Well-Known Member
research the allowable amount of bug parts in ketchup .......

then tell me if it bothers you to smoke some webs and a few dried out bugs