found a seed in feminized plant.


Well-Known Member
i just harvested my Short Rider and yielded about 18 grams.... tonight when breaking up a bud, i found a seed. exciting cause i don't have to order any, but curious if my buds are full of them.... i'm confident that my plant didn't hermie, but there again there's a seed, maybe more.... what's the deal???


Well-Known Member
well if you found a seed in a bud you plant must of hermied in the later stages of her life (or ITS life)

more often than not this will lead to the seed you found being feminised! get it planted and see .. . . . nothing to loose

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
I would say thats some luck!
But then again.. maybe not??
No idea bro. Lol.
Just smoke the bud and plant the seeds.


Well-Known Member

OP, I sympathize. Just about every grower experiences a "mystery seed" or 2 from time to time. It could be some pollen that blew in on the breeze or attached itself to your clothing and became airborn again. You could have a nanner somewhere in the mix as well. It's not uncommon to get a pollen sac late in bloom with some plants. Don't stress. Plant it, or don't. Choice is yours. Happy growing my friend. :weed: