Found a lot of ganja... now how to make something with it...


Well-Known Member
Um, you don't use it while it's wet. And you stole them. So more then likely you will fuck up whatever you make because of karma. I have no advice for you. Go steal some advice, thief.


Well-Known Member
yeah, but we all make mistakes. lol. ive probally done the same thing a time or maybe even 2. (read the first post and get all fired up cause it sure does sound like they stole it but then realize it wasnt)


Well-Known Member
Strange that it was just randomly growing there. I've found plants before years ago, but they were always in places that people use to go to smoke. I guess some of the seeds they tossed made it and decided to come up.


Well-Known Member
Make hash oil or finger hash-bubble hash-gumby hash or make butter but whatever you make the weed must be dry. All these methods of making hash are on the internet, just google or bing all these key words then choose. Made all of these myself and all work for a good high.