Found a hermi need advice asap please.

The Ruined

Active Member
Key points:
1 blackjack 7 weeks (removed 4 hermi Banannas just a moment ago)
1 bubblelicious 5 weeks (no hermi flowers)


Should I harvest the blackjack now or what? I can't pick off more or check cause lights are out.


Well-Known Member
yup. keep checking daily for nanners and pick em off. if you are vigilant just once daily, you will be OK. several strains will toss nanners the last couple weeks of flowering in the hopes of pollinating something to continue the species, some are non-viable (dead), but don't take chances and just pluck em all.

The Ruined

Active Member
Wish I could take back the rep I gave both of you. Both plants are riddled with seeds. :( still two weeks left I guess I should just cut it down now so I may still be able to do something with it Eh?

P.S I'll never buy nirvana again. This has been a very bad growing experience since 66.66% of the blackjacks I grew were hermies. Compainies selling bad genetics is like a place selling bad food ie taco bell F- grade beef. Nirvana F grade seeds.

P.P.S. The bubblelicious is great but I'll scrap it I'm sure I could easily find better in trash can of another breeder.


Active Member
ya....once you can see the nanners punch through the buds.....they have long ago pollinated......are you using feminized seeds?


Hey you are getting free feminized seeds...make it into a blessing. If you dont want them send them to me lol


feminized seeds are 2x's as much as regs...sell them to people on here for cheaper and re-coup ur cash and buy some from somewhere else

The Ruined

Active Member
They are Fem seeds and right now every bud of both my plants are developing small green seeds in side right now. I see people saying finish it out but I'm a cash cropper so now what? Is it waste?

Also I thought once seed devolopment began THC development == 0% if this is correct what benefit would I have growing them out?

The Ruined

Active Member

The bubblelicious met my expectations.
I'd grow oregano instead of blackjack or something equally as pointless.

Anyone who knows what they are talking about have advice if I should keep growing or harvest it?


Active Member
Hmm im choosing seeds for my first grow so im deciding on what to get.

How many of your bubblelicious plants hermie on you? and how does the bubblelicious smell like? Have you smoked any yet?

Soz for al the Q's

The Ruined

Active Member
Hmm im choosing seeds for my first grow so im deciding on what to get.

How many of your bubblelicious plants hermie on you? and how does the bubblelicious smell like? Have you smoked any yet?

Soz for al the Q's
0% of my bubblelicious but one was seed the rest were clone from the seed. My bubblelicious smelled and had a hint of grapefruit flavor was one of the frostiest I've seen. Honestly instead of blackjack go with super lemon haze or something equally as good.


Active Member
Hmm i was thinking of getting super lemon haze a while back but they dont really interest me now.

Im just looking for 2 strains, one that makes you laugh a lot because im gonna smoke mostly with mates and i want another strain that relaxes you. Bubbleicious interested me though.

Goodluck on your next grow anyway ;)