found 3 bananas, should I scrap clones?

cary schellie

Active Member
I just finished a pineapple express and it turned out better than expected. I pulled 10 clones from this plant weeks before harvest. While I was trimming I found 2-3 bananas. Should I scrap the clones? I wasnt sure if maybe there is a good chance of the clones turning total hermi's. I only had 1 seed, got it as a freebie and I really want to keep this strain going.


Active Member
Should be fine, seeing as there was only 3 bananas means it must have happened late in flowering or was very unsubstantial.


Active Member
hey bro no dont scatch it but just do not stress them out at all really bro keep a close eye on them and make sure ur temps stay consistant. im not going to lie bro its a bit stressful but its part of it. also light leaks will cause it to herm so just make sure your room is compleatly light proof. you could also try harvesting a ffew days earlier it could of just been you let it mature to much. hope i was of some help bro keep it gren and keep on growin


Active Member
if u want more seed that will be fems. stress one of your clones out so it will herm and pollinate it self and you will have a tong of seed. but make sure u ckean your room very well after you do that.