force females


Active Member
not sure if this has been posted before or if there is actually any credible sources to it... just curious if there is anything that can be done to increase the chances of female plants or is the sex predetermined with each seed...


Well-Known Member
in my book Cannabis Cultivator by Jeff Ditchfield...he says "You can increase the ratio of females to males by pre-soaking the seeds overnight in a solution containing the female hormone estrogen (the pill) into 1.7 fl oz (50ml) of warm water
I haven't tried this but all his advice on other stuff like cloning etc has been spot on.. good would be interesting to know how you go with that :^)


New Member
Give them Miracle grow liquid house plant food.5 drops per cup.and 15 hours of light.keep the night temp cool.


Well-Known Member
Soak the paper towels you germ with in water that has a drop or two of super thrive in them. This has never been proven or studied but I recomend it just because ive seen 9 out of 11 random ass bag seeds come out female this way. Either thats damn lucky or something going on here. Its arguable that super thrive works because it has female plant hormones in it. But again none of this is proven.


Active Member
Yes there is a way but must be done within first few weeks as a seedling..... High moisture, blue'r light, lower temp, and high nitrogen all influence the seedling to be a female.... This info is straight out of the newest grow bible so its all true.


Well-Known Member
jst click the link i gave u man... thers a huge thread bout it... towards the end some guy got all females outa doing it... coulda been coincidence