For those of you who workout..


Well-Known Member
I work out 5 days a week the other 2 are rest days. Better to concentrate on specific muscles on specific days and get your rest in between. There are alot of factors and everyones body reacts differently. But there is one simple rule. The more work you put in the more results you get. If you work out 1 or 2 days a week your going to get 1 or 2 day results
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Seeing as how your job seems very metabolic (Muscle growing), I think two days a week of lifting would definitely build you some extra muscle seeing as how your still building muscle on all the other days. Just gotta make sure to eat enough protein and carbs, or your muscles will tear themselves apart and you'll actually get smaller.


Well-Known Member
I work out 5 days a week the other 2 are rest days. Better to concentrate on specific muscles on specific days and get your rest in between. There are alot of factors and everyones body reacts differently. But there is one simple rule. The more work you put in the more results you get. If you work out 1 or 2 days a week your going to get 1 or 2 day results
The more work you put in is true but the type and intensity of work you put in is everything. Obviously this depends on your goals but your metabolism, reflexes and eye to hand will improve far faster sparring than hitting he heavy bag. Also getting a few miles in is way different than interval training or timed obstacle course etc.


Well-Known Member
4 days a week min if you want gains and constantly doing simple workouts through out the day like dips push ups burpies sit up and pull ups will keep your body constantly being stressed for the gaynz