For the moderator thats online at the moment

im trying to find my past threads started and it keeps giving me this message.
distributed index 'thread' in multi-index query found

If you can please help me it would be greatly appreciated. im trying to look for a friends comment on some info he gave me.


Well-Known Member
we are all getting that... as the admins are currently working on the site as we speak... ;)

my guess is that they dont have a redundancy server in place that could be used for searching and other indexing requests to the main server when a search is done it just would route that "user" over to the other...

or they could implement any changes to the code they make on a test server first to see what changes would affect the other parts of the site... before applying them to the main...

regardless... these guys still do a great job, even though their resources are limited... so it'll be back up soon enough... ;)
Thank you, im just kind of sad. hopefully it gets back to normal soon. i need that valuable information.

How long has it been doing this?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
....snip.......i need that valuable information.....snip.....
While redundant servers, cached db writes etc.. are certainly nice they can be expensive for a site this size. An easy workaround is to use google to search. So go to put in your search term and then tie it to this site.

For example, let's say you wanted to know about amber trichomes. You would put:
amber trichomes
into the google dialog box and then click google search. I hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
or just google whatever
yellow leaves rollitup
Super Lemon Haze rollitup
whatever you are looking for...I would also prefer to be able to just go to my profile thing and get to my own posts, but you can google your screen name and it will being up your posts...your screen name rollitup


Well-Known Member
I dont know about you but if I google my screen name it takes me to every post I put in here....Just a hint, ya may be able to use the all knowing google.
Thanks guys, the google thing worked, i found my stuff. but i still cant find one of my started threads. and its the most important one im looking for.