For people who are depressed about their plants being ill!

making the $$$

Active Member
My plants hadnt looked very good for the past week. I overwatered them (I think). They were very droopy and starting to die. I laid off the water for the past week and they slightly perked up but still looked like crap. I had to cut a few leaves off that had completely died. I gave them some water today (about a shotglass for each cup) through up a deperate prayer and left to go lift. Iv been working on calculus 2 homework for the past couple hours and went to check on them and i kid you not they grew half an inch and are very green and perked up! So for you out there with your plants lookin bad remember they can come back to health very quickly! :leaf::leaf::leaf: They are God given plants and no way am I going to let some morons take my right to have them away. I wish all of you happy growing and good luck with all of your problems in life. Now its back to the books haha