Folier feeding dureing flower


Active Member
I wouldn't recommend putting chemicals into the bud when it's on the plant. I was always told to never foilar feed anyway, even during in veg.


Well-Known Member
THC is NOT water-soluable so it wont wash off, but Sp32 is right, dont add chemicals on the buds. I think most foliar feeding is done in veg, Im not totally sure though.


Well-Known Member
Folliar feeding is a much debated technique. if you do decide to foliar feed during flower DO NOT spray your buds, just the big fan leaves. if you spray your buds you are asking for mold or bud rot.


Well-Known Member
Won't hurt a bit, just don't do it within the last 2 weeks of the plants life cycle... And if your humidity is at a decent range your wont have to worry about mold or bud rot...


Well-Known Member
Won't hurt a bit, just don't do it within the last 2 weeks of the plants life cycle... And if your humidity is at a decent range your wont have to worry about mold or bud rot...
just dont overdo it. humidity good or not if you saturate your buds there is a chance you will run into problems. they only need a fine misting and make sure you let the plant dry off completly before repeating the process