flushing plants and catching the runoff


Active Member
ok so i just started a feeding shcedule where i flush my plants every 12 days. however it gets to be a bitch because the shop vac only holds so much water so i can really only flush 2 plants before having to empty it in the bath tub etc.. (i suck up run off water with the shop vac because otherwise there would be water all over the inside of my tent)

flushing is a huge part of soil growing so id assume someone out there has got some tricks i dont know bout..
i mean if people are growing indoors with 15 gallong buckets theyd have to flush wayyy more than me..

can someone please tell me the secret to keeping this not such a pain in the ass...



Active Member
i only grew in soil once, but i gotta say you're makin it complicated with that shop vac. i just set my container in my sink before flushing, and then let the water drain for about 15 min. from what i hear, it's best to only flush for 48 hours in soil to prevent root rot. i grow hydro now so i won't pretend i'm an expert with soil, but this was the method i used and had good results

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
flushing isnt needed...a sales move is all it is. if you feed and water enough and get the right amount of run off each time you never need a flush till the end. feed water on alternating times.


Active Member
flushing not needed// thats crazy.. ive been to amsterdam several times.. listened to grow seminars from Don and Aaron from dna/ arjan seminars.. they all say flushing is needed.. i cant imagine tasting nutes in my bud.. i guess you cant change some peoples minds but ok. :) any input i appreciate!

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
how would you tatse nutes. your talking about flushing as you grows not the final flush. and good bud dont grow only in amsterdam. in fact at most cups ive been at its not that great. dont get fooled by hype...lol

you say every 12 days. thats nopt a final flush. flush at end of the grow yes.

funny you ask a question and get an answer but yet tell me im wrong..why ask then.


Well-Known Member
flushing isnt needed...a sales move is all it is. if you feed and water enough and get the right amount of run off each time you never need a flush till the end. feed water on alternating times.
i do the same thing, just the extra bit of water each time
if there are nutrient flavors in the bud, i can't taste them, not a hint
proper drying and curing really do make a difference though


Active Member
i only grew in soil once, but i gotta say you're makin it complicated with that shop vac. i just set my container in my sink before flushing, and then let the water drain for about 15 min. from what i hear, it's best to only flush for 48 hours in soil to prevent root rot. i grow hydro now so i won't pretend i'm an expert with soil, but this was the method i used and had good results
sorry i hadn't realize you said during the grow. that being the case, flushing soil is unheard of except for the tail end of the grow, which as i say , should be 48 hours in soil. i do firmly believe in a good flush, though. if you ever use botanicare without a flush, your buds smoke harsh and taste like burnt cheese.


Active Member
Buy a rubbermaid tub, like the DWC guys use. Put a cinder block or something similar in it to elevate your pot. Start flushing. (I water my plants like this. I wouldn't call it a flush, but I do like good runoff)


Well-Known Member
No clue why you're flushing inside your tent. Just take it out of your tent, put it in your bathtub and turn the water on. Then let it drain for 15 mins or so before putting them back into the tent.


Active Member
flushing a plant in soil for 48 hiurs straigh would kill it.
"straight would kill it"???????? then you must not understand what i mean. when YOU flush a plant, do YOU just let it sit there in it's waste water? i hope not, because yes, it would drown. i allow the water to run THROUGH the container, and not for 48 hrs straight. i mean the FLUSHING PERIOD lasts 48 hours. if it took 48 hours to run a gallon and a half through a one gallon container, we would all have that problem. in SIMPLETON's terms, i add 1.5x the volume of the container per day, for the final 2 days of the grow. in case you're not aware, there are 24 hours in each day. therefore, 2 days would be 48 hours. correct me if i'm wrong.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
just dont majke sence was all. why not just run it all at once then. and be done. or do it as we are suposed to over a period of time and get the chloraphyll out to. letting it sit in the shit run off isnt a flush is it. no i dont let mine sit. dosnt majke sence to prolong the stress of flushing it. do a reg watering over 10 day or so or do it all at once.


Active Member
just dont majke sence was all. why not just run it all at once then. and be done. or do it as we are suposed to over a period of time and get the chloraphyll out to. letting it sit in the shit run off isnt a flush is it. no i dont let mine sit. dosnt majke sence to prolong the stress of flushing it. do a reg watering over 10 day or so or do it all at once.
if you flushed with 3 gallons of water in one sitting, you would remove dramatically less nutrients from the PLANT. the reason for flushing is to remove these from the plant not from the soil. yes, you would theoretically still remove the same quantity of nutrients from the SOIL, but the plant would not give as much of it's own nutrients up. since i'm smoking the plant, not the soil, then i prefer to flush more nutes out. also, while you can remove some chlorophyll by flushing, you can do this much more effectively by using less intense light for the final 2 weeks of the grow.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
whoi said anything about 3 gal...not me. less light means week pot. why create more stress again by less light.


Active Member
whoi said anything about 3 gal...not me. less light means week pot. why create more stress again by less light.
lol haven't you noticed how little your plants grow for the last 2 weeks anyway? i consider this the ripening phase. if you saw the size of my colas, you wouldn't be arguing about the light for the last 2 weeks. if you don't believe me, that's fine. i encourage you to run 2 plants side-by-side, finish one under a 400w (or if you use dimmable like me, then 50% power of your 1000w) and the other under 1000w light, and tell me what the difference in weight is. till then, i guess you'll have to wonder how good your plants could be. also, proper flushing in soil is 1.5x the volume of the conatainer, which for a 1 gal pot, is 1.5 gal. if i used 2 days worth in one day, that would be 3 gal. did you get all that?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
um ya. no growth at all last few weeks. thats norml. its making oils and other itemsn like cannabinoids and only does so by using light. so cutitng light is week pot. dood ypour tests i ran 20 years ago and have had them all tested in labs and i know they are weeker. looks dont make for a potent pot. its just looks.

send me your shit and ill test it


your all over with this flush. there is 2 diff types. a final and an emergency. final is reg waters for about 10 day. emergency for a l;ock up id 3 to 1 on average of water to soil.
i work for a nuite co so i dont need lessons on flushes. leanred them 25 years ago.

you keepin up here yourself. to much wrong info on these forums.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I grow in rock. I flood and drain 15 minutes every eight hours with 12/12hr lighting. Anything over 30 minutes is a hazard to your plant. Be sure your pot has good drainage. My plant pot is 8 inches deep and 3 foot by 3 foot square.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I'm an authority on flushing, I do it more than anyone else. And I put up to 25 plants at a time into that little plant pot.


Active Member
um ya. no growth at all last few weeks. thats norml. its making oils and other itemsn like cannabinoids and only does so by using light. so cutitng light is week pot. dood ypour tests i ran 20 years ago and have had them all tested in labs and i know they are weeker. looks dont make for a potent pot. its just looks.

send me your shit and ill test it


your all over with this flush. there is 2 diff types. a final and an emergency. final is reg waters for about 10 day. emergency for a l;ock up id 3 to 1 on average of water to soil.
i work for a nuite co so i dont need lessons on flushes. leanred them 25 years ago.

you keepin up here yourself. to much wrong info on these forums.
lol light DEGRADES thc. and do you really think it needs all that light to produce those trichomes? compare samples from 1000w at finish, a 400w at finish, and a LED at finish. show me that you've got proof that science is wrong. till then, i've seen the results of my garden, so i don't have to convince myself. also, IMO, if you use good soil, you shouldn't have to add ANYTHING except water for the entire grow. lookup SUBCOOL'S SUPER SOIL mix.