flushing, before trich change?

az kid

Active Member
I'm on week 9 of flower and i haven't noticed any trich changes but leafs are starting to change and die . So should i start flushing now or wait till they start changing? This its my first grow so I'm not sure what to do haha.
I'm running
Cali connection head band
Blue dream and Casey Jones


some dont flush, i personally dont think you need to, you shoudlnt deprive the plant necessary nutrients in the final days of its life when they are needed the most, either way, great job and best of luck to you

also..pics or it didnt happen :)


Well-Known Member
Some say leaf change near the end is normal, some say you should keep them green with the right nutrients until you chop them. I keep them green.

I never flush either. I used to but it didn't help. Why try to unnaturally force your plant to mature when it's already doing on it's own, and growing bigger buds for you until it's ready? Just feed it and wait for it to do it's thing, you don't need to interfere with it. The plant knows what to do.

And pics or it didn't happen :-P


Misguided Angel
Doesn't not flushing ruin the taste and burning consistency?
If you have been overfeeding your plants it may be a good idea to flush. Many people (myself included) feed right up until harvest. The dark ash, nasty taste most people talk about I believe is attributed to improper drying and curing practices (drying way too fast). I stopped pre-harvest flushing years ago as I found it had a detrimental effect on my buds the last couple weeks before harvest. Why not give them what they crave during those last two (sometimes more) weeks of explosive growth before the chop. But do what you feel will work best for you in your situation. Good luck!
I've done the experiment myself, and choose to flush. I wait for 10% amber on buds, not sugar leaves, then flush, I like 30-40% amber at cut.


Well-Known Member
I would flush, i want my plants being starved of nitrogen and chlorophyll because from what ive read and in my experience that is the reason for harsh or bad tasting bud.
(i mean flush as giving just water or very very light nutes. NOT flooding the grow zone with 4X the medium amount. Just get some runoff like normal).

As is very evident there is a wide variety of opinions on this subject, and some rather heated ...debates... lol

Really if you, or someone, grows alot or for a decent amount of time, try both ways see what works for you.
Here is my method for 3 gal medium. 4 gal of clean water, 1 gal of molasses water. Wait 5-6 days, give plain water until you get good runoff, wait till dry and chop. If I ever flush before this, it's somewhere near my light transition. My plants always respond well to flush, maybe it's the fluctuation in PH for soil-less, or the salt buildup. I usually go 10-12 days nute free and wait to start losing leaves at the bottom.

I've done this test twice, after 1.5 months in jars, I get fluffy white ash regardless, but I found that freshly dried/poorly cured bud is where you notice a difference.