Flushing before flower nutes? please help!


Well-Known Member
Alright so im still somewhat new to growing but this questions always mixes up my mind:
Should you flush before using flowering nutrients?or just jump right to flower nutrients or slowly transition them over? I also read once in a thread that some guy would water his plants with regular ph'd water on the third feeding of the week (dont know if that made sense)
Any help I would greatly appreciate it!!!!
Peace and love fellow growers


Well-Known Member
Are you growing hydro or soil? Theres no need to flush just for the sake of flushing unless you see a problem. Watering with regular phd h20 isn't really considered flushing. What kind of nutrients are you using, (Grow, bloom what else).....also theres feeding charts for most nutrients. If your a new grower try not to do to much extra shit. amdefinitely want to flush before harvest.... look at products called final phase works great. Or finishing touch I think it might be the same thing


Active Member
your nute line feeding schedual should show you. Some people run veg nutes the first week of flowering. water inbetween nuteings wont hurt and is recommended. Good luck with your grow venture. B Happy!


Well-Known Member
Are you growing hydro or soil? Theres no need to flush just for the sake of flushing unless you see a problem. Watering with regular phd h20 isn't really considered flushing. What kind of nutrients are you using, (Grow, bloom what else).....also theres feeding charts for most nutrients. If your a new grower try not to do to much extra shit. amdefinitely want to flush before harvest.... look at products called final phase works great. Or finishing touch I think it might be the same thing
im growing in soil, alright thanks for the advice dude thats all I needed to know because I know I've heard before to flush once a month But yeah a long time grower said he never did just double checking. Im using ionic grow bloom and boost and also optic foliar. Cool ill check it out thanks man!


New Member
I give it a flush in between you definitely don't get nutrient lock which can causes problems later on and it seems to perk them up a bit !!!


Well-Known Member
If anything i would flush in between flower feedings. But again that's only if i saw a problem. If you stick to feed, water, water, feed.. you should get the same "perk".

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
No.... water, water feed. Just watch them. Let your soil dry out pretty good in between watering They will show you if they need something if you pay attention. You'll be good bro.
No,it's water,water,feed feed,water,feed,water water,feed,feed, water,feed water,water,feed feed,water,feed,water water,feed,feed, water,feed
water,water,feed feed,water,feed,water water,feed,feed, water,feed.

you got it all wrong dude.:dunce:


Well-Known Member
I feed 500-600 ppm every watering until a week before flip then 800 ppm till the last week then strait water. No flushing period. And bloom nute's from start to finish.