Flowering .


Well-Known Member
Hi, I am about flowering my master kush. I am using nutes high in nitrogen right now.

I was wondering when I flower my plants and use another nutes high in phosphorus, should I stop using the nitrogen nutes, or mix them?

I am using miracle grow for veggie and kushy kush for flower shoud they be mixed?


It all depends on what kind of nutes your using. Different nutes can have different schedules. I use a nitro based nute the last week i veg. Then for the first two weeks of flowering i use no nitro nute. Week 3 and 4 i start to use nitro/ phos again if i'ts an 8 week strain. For my 10 week strain I use nitro up until week six. I use fox farm nutes so Im really not sure about mixing yours.


I usually flower with a 15-30-15 and a micro and everything has gone great for me. But I have heard a lot of people continue with more nitrogen for the first few weeks of flowering then drop it almost completely during the last weeks maybe someone who has done this can elaborate. hope that's helpful.


I use foxfarm soil and don't add anything but molasses every other watering during veg, and during flowering I use kool bloom and molasses. So far it's worked for me. I get some yellowing of leaves toward the end of the flowering cycle, but that's normal and so far my smoke has smoked really clean w/o any fertilizer taste at all.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
the fox farm soil has organic materials that are high in nitrogen so it's likely they get all the nitrogen they need from the soil. Miracle grow also has fertilizer in the soil so when u transplant theirs going to be fertilizer givin everytime u water. I would probably just wait a couple weeks before applying any fertilizer if theres fresh transplanted soil present when switched. I have grownentire crops on original MG soil alone only adding a little fertilizer a few weeks in and flushing the last couple of weeks. Plants will need nitrogen when flowering since they continue to grow at first.

Currently I use OF soil and Happy frog fruit and flower that has NPK ratio of 5-8-4 and have only been adding Big bloom thats very weak. They do just fine but I am tinking of experimenting with some added bloom fish emulsion that's 0-10-0.


Well-Known Member
it does say use kushie kush 1-6 weeks. should i wait 2 weeks into flowering then use it? should i stop using miracle grow after i use kuhie kush ?



I used miracle gro with my first attempt at outdoor growing in pots and ended up with major salt build-up. I lost all but 2 ladies, and they were so stressed, I had to harvest early. So I went with foxfarm after speaking to a local guru. I'm pleased as pie with it. I think it's entirely up to you on when to start or stop your nuts. After all, we never quit learning, and what you learn from this grow, will surely help with your next. Good luck man.


Well-Known Member
hi, i agree using nutes will build up salt, but i have been fushing with plain water every other week will stop the salt.