Flowering with 400MH together with 1000HPS, advantages/disadvantages?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering what would be the advantages of flowering under a 400 Watt metal halide and a 1000 Watt hps. Would the mix of spectrums be good for the plants? Or should I just switch back to 2 1000 Watt hps like I had before? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Well Im sure they love all the lumens...regardless of the light. And if you have 2 HPS's....why arent you just using those two for flowering? Seems you're not getting the "best" result by using the HPS/MH during flowering.

If all you had were those two....I'd say go with it....but you have a better option IMO. Use the 2 HPS's for flowering.

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
That is exactly what I have in my flower chamber and they love the mix of light but if you can have 2000 watts of light compared to 1400 - I would go with the 2000.

Just my opinion, I only have the 1000 hps and 400 mh because that's what I have..


Well-Known Member
If I were in your situation I would only use the 2 HPS lamps. Their meant for flowering, and MH isn't, their just a better use of lumens and electricity.