Flowering time in NC


Well-Known Member
I have two plants a little under a month old and wanted to know when it usually starts to flower in NC? I see no signs of pre flowers or anything yet.


Active Member
If you had started around April or May then you should allready at least be seeing preflowers. I have 2 plants that were started in April and they both started full blow flowering last week and I also have a super lemon haze that was started in early June and it still hasnt shown any preflowers so Id say yours will begain to show in 2 or 3 more weeks.

someone else

Active Member
yea i said in the first post its a little under a month old... but thanks


I think he was trying to give examples of when you WOULD have seen flowering IF you would have started in April/May....or if you planted in June.

If you're in a position that you have to ask for someone's time and interest in your problem, maybe be a little more humble.

Maybe re-read these posts again:

If you had started around April or May then you should allready at least be seeing preflowers. I have 2 plants that were started in April and they both started full blow flowering last week and I also have a super lemon haze that was started in early June and it still hasnt shown any preflowers so Id say yours will begain to show in 2 or 3 more weeks.
I would say in the next 2weeks

Read it a few times if necessary...this time, all the way through.


Active Member
Yea dude I saw when you started!! I was just telling you from experience growing in NC when to expect to see some preflowers. I gave the dates I started mine and when they started to flower to show you a few examples sorry this was not helpful to you but we like to try and keep it friendly on this forum and not be so hard on those who take their time to read others questions and try and offer up some advice based on their experience. And at the end of my post I clearly said proubally 2 or 3 more weeks and you will see something, I was trying to answer your question based upon your starting time but when started at the correct time (April-Early May) and done right flowering usually begains mid to late July here in the foothills of NC, but remember many factors affect when a plant will start to flower! Hope this answers your question. Good Luck!