flowering time for himalayan gold


Hello everyone =]
I am growing two himalyan gold plants. They are being grown inside under one 300w cfl, with two 85watt clfs. The plants are being grown in miracle grow compost. I was feeding them with miracle grow plant food. I havnt bothered with any ph tests etc. There is a small 7inch desk fan with them for circulation. The plants are almost 10 weeks into the flowering stage (they say its should take just 8 weeks). I have been away for a few days and was planning of coming home to harvest. However, it seems that the plants are continuing to grow, with the buds currently going through another growth spurt. Is it normal for plants to take more than the stated time flowering to complete? They are very healthy, the buds are so heavy they are bending some branches over, so i have had to support some of the branches by stringing them up. There is no sign of bud rot or anything like that. the leaves are yellowing, and some dropping, but as i gather this is normal? So, is it safe to just leave them for longer until this current spurt is apparently completed? even if it is a few weeks after the stated amount of time flowering?(maybe 3 weeks extra?) Any advice would be warmly recieved!
many thanks=]


Active Member
Check your trichs. Some plants will start growing more bud, but the older stuffs thc may be decomposing in the process.


that was a concern of mine. i guess its a fine balancing act! allow for more growth at the the expense of what has already grown..hhhmmm..i'm going to wait for a bit i think, the amount of new growth seems promising, hopefully it out ways any degredation of existing trichomes. Thanks very much for your help my friend! =]