flowering question


Active Member
i have 3 plants growing at the moment, one is ahead of the other two.

the one that is ahead has gotten me scared because on my tops near where the leaves branch off there's these little white balls, well they look like balls but i dont know what they really are.

please tell me im tripping an this is just part of the grow, it has not even showed sex yet, its only 6 days into flowering..



Active Member
you can barely see it, but its there. they were feminized white widow from nirvana
the one in the back is a UFO freebie



Did they go through any stress ? because that looks male to me I could be wrong, can't see it too well (my eyes, I'm sure pics are fine) two tiny white hairs are the female giveaway use a magnifying glass here is a pic to compare that may help.



Active Member
Did they go through any stress ? because that looks male to me I could be wrong, can't see it too well (my eyes, I'm sure pics are fine) two tiny white hairs are the giveaway use a magnifying glass here is a pic to compare that may help.
they did have a period of stress, this is my first grow.

i like carl's answer better :cry:


Well-Known Member
That looks just like my 'pride and joy' from my first 2 seeds I started, which was a male. I am 5/11 so far female/male. Good news is it has been 8 weeks since then and I am getting ready to chop my first female down (albeit a bit early still).


Well-Known Member
Hell don't take my words as Gospel. Only on my second grow (very good at it though)
I could be wrong, but I still think they look female to me but as I mentioned it would be nice to see a picture in a few days to confirm.


Well-Known Member
Hell don't take my words as Gospel. Only on my second grow (very good at it though)
I could be wrong, but I still think they look female to me but as I mentioned it would be nice to see a picture in a few days to confirm.


Well-Known Member
look female to me, but yah, some more pics would be good. you will see definate male flower buds clustered together if it is a male. just like flowers in your moms flower bed before they open.


Active Member
Sorry I hate to give bad news, I hope that I am wrong. Having a sad day myself mid tearing down grow room, moving in a bit no time for a new crop :(

aw man that sux, i really want to move right now, but im scared to move the setup while in midst a grow.

and i really hope its a girl because if its not a girl, chances are my other 2 wont be girls since they have had a more hard time.

im going to be distraught to find out my whole first crop to be males.. but we shall see.

thanks for all the input everyone, i will post pics tomorrow and the next day to show progress. not doing a journal but i will just use this post, to get me through my possible crisis.



Active Member
That looks just like my 'pride and joy' from my first 2 seeds I started, which was a male. I am 5/11 so far female/male. Good news is it has been 8 weeks since then and I am getting ready to chop my first female down (albeit a bit early still).

congrats! have any pics??