Flowering pics from week 7ish + clones etc. :) + updates


Active Member
IMG_1125.jpgIMG_1124.jpgIMG_1127.jpgOk, here we go. Two pics of the clones in their new home and a harvest pic. As I was chopping them down I really noticed how much I took off them when they were still budding lol so yeah... not a great yield but should keep me from buying anything for a while. I will be manicuring them properly as they are drying over next couple of days and then they will be cured. Once they are cured to my liking I will weigh it up and post results...


Active Member
Cheers matey! Almost felt sad when I cut them down lol. Yeah this dirt stuff is pretty dirty... lol oh well. At least its low maintenance.


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Hey man I started cooling externally with frozen bottles of various sizes. It keeps my rez temps more stable between 60-70. It also lowers the temp of the room slightly.


Active Member
Well as you have already seen and read my plants are already in soil so will not be doing DWC again until next Autumn (fall...). Trimmed up all my buds last night and they looking sexy!


Active Member
A pic of my buds curing in their jars. Two big jars are the primo buds and the small jar is the popcorn buds...IMG_1136.jpg


Active Member
Have not weighed it yet as I don't have scales anymore due to a certain incident involving the boys in blue... But will be borrowing some scales off a mate in the next few days. :)


Active Member
I think it will end up being about 3 ounces maybe. Not including about an ounce that I smoked off one of them throughout the grow lol... Yes I know its not cool but better than wasting my money going to dealers...


Well-Known Member
I think it will end up being about 3 ounces maybe. Not including about an ounce that I smoked off one of them throughout the grow lol... Yes I know its not cool but better than wasting my money going to dealers...
How do them chemicals taste?


Active Member
It did not taste very good my friend LOL but these flushed buds taste fine. I flushed for a bit under 2 weeks. The taste will get better with the cure... I'm just smoking my popcorn buds while the good stuff is curing...


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Man I do an ISO wash over wet material from popcorn buds/trim and BOY does it get me.. no bad taste other than the ISO =p