Flowering Nutes


Just switched to 12/12 a few days ago , and trying to get my nutes down for this phase as to me it is the most important . Right now I am using a 20-20-20 All purpose , Its the Plant Prod Ultimate . It contains micronutrients , and then i got humboldt countys Bush Master , and SnowStorm Ultra . I also have a Plant Starter nutrient from Plant Prod Ultimate (10-52-10 with micronutrients) . The soil is a mixture of Perlite , and foxfarms ocean forest . 3-1 soil>perlite .

The All purpose says to use at 6ml of fertilizer to 5L of water , and use once every 2 weeks , and the same as the Plant starter . I am wondering is this going to be suitable or am i going to run into deficenys . Also how should I mix them as once every 2 weeks would be a little large of a gap i am thinking . If you need the directions , and what not for the snowstorm , and bushmaster I can post those up

My current formula I have been using is a little touch (<1ml of powder fertilizer All purpose) , 1.5 ml of Snowstorm , and Bushmaster every 4 days