Flowering Clones!


Active Member
Clipped 4 clones a week or two into flower, hoping for the monstercrop effect. But in tern all ive ended up is with thers cute little budding clones. Did i clip them too far into flowering or what? Might be able to get pics up shorrtly. Will they reveg after they flower? first time with flowering clones, Thanks again!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Yeah - sounds like they should start growing again nicely. They can get some weird looking leaves, but will be fine pretty fast.


they will reveg it will probably take longer to start and they will sprout many little dwarf leaves and branches in my experience but will take off eventually with a leader or two or three. I've seen a guy take clones the day of harvest before on an outside plant. just keep them well fed after they start rooting good enough to transplant. good luck.