Flowering 20 days - pics w/ questions


Hey everyone, this is still my first grow and my 5 vegged plants had turned out to produce only one female. She has been flowering for 20 days now, and below her are two clones i produced from her which are being vegged (i move them just before the lights turn off to another light for the next 12 hours). Anyways, since this is my first grow im curious about whether or not to cut the yellowing fan leaves off the plant. I have read that you should cut them off but IMO, I feel as though leaving them allows the plant to retrieve all the nutrients from the dying leaves. Please correct me if im wrong. Also, I wonder about how the buds are doing , if they are too small or what not.
I am also concerned about adding nutrients as i have not done so to the plant at any time during veg or flower. Should i add nutrients or is this not necessary.

First grow: 20 days flower
2 50Watt fluorescent lights + 6 48inch 54Watt T5 high output fluorescent lights



Well-Known Member
looks normal/good for 20 days growth wise

you should be adding some N (veg nutes) to green the leaves up, you should never cut them, they make the buds


Sector 5 Moderator
It's a beautiful plant!! The yellowing bottom leaves does indicate that she is deficient. It's not going to hurt anything to leave the leaf on for a bit but when it gets really yellow it needs to be removed. It looks about right for one 20 days into flower.